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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Algebra ( Period 5)

Factoring Trinomial Squares 8-9

Chapter 8-4 Déjà vu  Foil the following:
(a +3)2 ( which is called a binomial squared)
(a + 3)(a +3) = a2 + 3a + 3a + 9 = a2 + 6a + 9 ( called a trinomial square)

Again, you see that the middle term is DOUBLE the product of the two terms in the binomial
and the first and last terms are simply the squares of each term in the binomial

How to recognize that it is a Binomial Squared:

1) Is it a trinomial? ( if it’s a binomial it cannot be a binomial squared)
 Are the first  and last terms POSITIVE?
 Are the first and last terms PERFECTSQUARES?4) Is the middle term DOUBLE the product of the SQRTS of the 1st and last terms?

If YES to ALL of these questions you have a 
trinomial square

To FACTOR a Trinomial Squarea2 + 6a + 9 (called a trinomial square)

1) Put ONE set of {{HUGS} with an exponent of 2  (  )2
 Put the sign of the middle term inside  (in this case its +)  (  +  )2
 Find the SQRT’s of the first term & last terms; place them in parentheses (a +3)24) Check by FOILing back
If the sign is negative in the middle, simple use a negative sign when you factor.

Algebra Honors ( Period 4)

Factoring Trinomial Squares 8-9

Chapter 8-4 Déjà vu  Foil the following:
(a +3)2 ( which is called a binomial squared)
(a + 3)(a +3) = a2 + 3a + 3a + 9 = a2 + 6a + 9 ( called a trinomial square)

Again, you see that the middle term is DOUBLE the product of the two terms in the binomial
and the first and last terms are simply the squares of each term in the binomial

How to recognize that it is a Binomial Squared:

1) Is it a trinomial? ( if it’s a binomial it cannot be a binomial squared)
Are the first  and last terms POSITIVE?
Are the first and last terms PERFECTSQUARES?
4) Is the middle term DOUBLE the product of the SQRTS of the 1st and last terms?

If YES to ALL of these questions you have a
trinomial square

To FACTOR a Trinomial Square
a2 + 6a + 9 (called a trinomial square)

1) Put ONE set of {{HUGS} with an exponent of 2  (  )2
Put the sign of the middle term inside  (in this case its +)  (  +  )2
Find the SQRT’s of the first term & last terms; place them in parentheses (a +3)2
4) Check by FOILing back
If the sign is negative in the middle, simple use a negative sign when you factor.

Math 8 ( Period 1)

The Pythagorean Theorem 5-5

This theorem relates the legs of a right triangle to its hypotenuse.
The legs form the right angle.
The legs are called  a and b. It does not matter which is a and which one you designate as b  because you will add them and adding is COMMUTATIVE)

hypotenuse is across from the right angle and it is called   c.
You can find the third side of a right triangle as long as you know the other two sides

The Pythagorean Theorem formula: a2 + b2 = c2
The sum of each leg squared is equal to the sum of the hypotenuse squared.

 A couple of important relationships:
The hypotenuse is always the LONGEST individual SIDE
The sum of the two legs is always GREATER than the hypotenuse (that’s why I call the hypotenuse the  “ shortcut home”)  

After squaring the two sides that you know you will need to find the square root of that number to find the length of the missing side.
EASIEST—is finding the hypotenuse (c)
You have a right triangle with sides 8cm  and 15cm plugging this into the Pythagorean Theorem
a2 + b2 = c2
82 + 152 = c2
64 + 225 = c2
289 = c2            If you know your perfect squares ( HINT) you know
17 = c
That means the length of the hypotenuse is 17 cm

Note: Sometimes the solution is not a whole number. You might need to use a calculator to find the square root of a number.

_ finding  a missing leg ( either a or b)
This time you are given that a  leg is 5 feet and the hypotenuse is 13 ft
a2 + b2 = c2
52 + b2 = 132   Make sure to put those two given numbers in the formula correctly
25 + b2 = 169
b2 = 169-25
b2= 144     You know
b = 12

The Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem:
If you add the squares of the legs and that sum EQUALS the square of the longest side—then it is a RIGHT TRIANGLE.
if you know the sides of a triangle without drawing it, you can plug them into the formula and determine whether it is a right triangle!
If the formula works then the triangle is a right triangle.

If you add the squares of the two smaller sides and that sum is GREATER THAN the square of the longest side, you have an ACUTE TRIANGLE

If you add the squares of the two smaller sides and that sum is LESS THAN the square of the longest side,  you have an OBTUSE TRIANGLE

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Algebra Honors ( Period 4)

Factoring the Difference of Two Squares  8-8
Again… remember that FACTORING just UNDOES multiplication

Chapter 8-3 Déjà vu  Foil the following:
(a + b)(a –b) you will get a2 – b2
Now factor   a2 – b2
You undo the FOILING and get
(a + b)(a –b)

You MUST have two 
DIFFERENT signs because that’s how the MIDDLE term disappears. You will get additive inverses which will become ZERO

How to recognize DIFFERENCE of TWO SQUARES
1) Is it a binomial?
Is it a difference?
Are both terms perfect squares?
If YES to all three questionsàthen you have DIFFERENCE of TWO SQUARES

How to factor the 
1) Put a set of double {{HUGS}}  (      )(       )
Find the square root of each term  (SQRT   SQRT) (SQRT   SQRT)
Make one sign positive and one sign negative  (SQRT+SQRT) (SQRT-SQRT)

Of course, they can get more complicated
Always look for a GCF FIRST to pull out

27y2 – 48y4
At first this just looks like a binomial ànot the difference of two squares…
The GCF is 3y2
3y2(9 – 16y2)
WOW—Now we have the 
3y2(3 + 4y)(3 - 4y)

FACTORING COMPLETELY because you cannot factor any further
Always check your factoring by distributing or FOILing back!
BTW…  There is NO SUCH THING as the Sum of Two Squares!
a2 + bCANNOT be factored!!
but… -b2 + a2 is really a2 –b2 because it is just switched ( commutative)

Algebra Honors ( Period 4)

Using the Distributive Property 8-5

Using the Distributive Property to factor the GCF

(Your book also introduces “factoring by grouping” in this section but we will come back to that in a few days… We will also skip the ZERO PRODUCTS PROPERTY—for now)

Factoring is a skill that you MUST understand to be successful in high level math
Factoring is simply undoing multiplying.
Factoring uses the concept of DIVIDING
You are actually undoing the Distributive Property
How? You look for the most of every common factor
à the GCF
Then you pull out the GCD (divide it out) from each term placing the GCF in front of a set of {{HUGS}}  parentheses 


Factor :  4m2n3 + 2m2n2 + 6m2n
Step 1: What does each term have in common? (What is the GCF?)
They each can be divided by  2m2n  . Right ?
Step 2: Put the GCF in front of a set of {{HUGS}} and divide each term by the GCF

Step 3: Simplify and you get
2m2n(2n2+ n + 3)
Step 4: Check your answers!! Always check your factoring of the GCF by distributing back. (It should be the same thing!)

Another just as important check:
Make sure you have factored out the entire GCF
à Look inside the parentheses and ask yourself:
Is there any common factors remaining between the terms?
If there is, you haven’t factored out the GREATEST Common Factor.
For example: Let’s say in the prior example that you only factored out 2mn
You would have:


Which would be    2mn( 2mn +mn +3m)
If you just check by distributing back, the problem will check…
Look inside the (  ) and notice that each term still has a common factor of m. So this would not be the fully factored form. Make sure you always look inside your {{HUGS}}

Relatively Prime Terms- terms with no common factors. That means that they cannot be factored ( GCF = 1)
We say they are 
“NOT Factorable” or “PRIME”

Algebra ( Period 5)

Factoring the Difference of Two Squares  8-8
Again… remember that FACTORING just UNDOES multiplication

Chapter 8-3 Déjà vu  Foil the following:
(a + b)(a –b) you will get a2 – b2
Now factor   a2 – b2
You undo the FOILING and get
(a + b)(a –b)

You MUST have two
DIFFERENT signs because that’s how the MIDDLE term disappears. You will get additive inverses which will become ZERO

How to recognize DIFFERENCE of TWO SQUARES
1) Is it a binomial?
Is it a difference?
Are both terms perfect squares?
If YES to all three questionsàthen you have DIFFERENCE of TWO SQUARES

How to factor the
1) Put a set of double {{HUGS}}  (      )(       )
Find the square root of each term  (SQRT   SQRT) (SQRT   SQRT)
Make one sign positive and one sign negative  (SQRT+SQRT) (SQRT-SQRT)

Of course, they can get more complicated
Always look for a GCF FIRST to pull out

27y2 – 48y4
At first this just looks like a binomial ànot the difference of two squares…
The GCF is 3y2
3y2(9 – 16y2)
WOW—Now we have the
3y2(3 + 4y)(3 - 4y)

FACTORING COMPLETELY because you cannot factor any further
Always check your factoring by distributing or FOILing back!

BTW…  There is NO SUCH THING as the Sum of Two Squares!
a2 + b2 CANNOT be factored!!
but… -b2 + a2 is really a2 –b2 because it is just switched ( commutative)

Math 8 (Period 1)

Polygons and Angles 5-4

Polygon: A closed figure with three or more line segments ( no overlapping lines)
Some common polygons: triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon hexagon, octagon

Interior Angle Sum Formula: (n - 2)180   where n is the number of sides of the polygon
Working from this formula
A triangle has 180 degrees (n - 2)180 in this case is (3 - 2)180 = 1(180) = 180 degrees
( A triangle has 3 sides…)

A quadrilateral has 360 degrees ( 4 - 2)180 = 2(180)= 360 degrees
(A quadrilateral has 4 sides—in fact quad means 4 and lateral means sides)

A pentagon has 540 degrees ( 5 - 2)180 = 3(180) = 540 degrees
and so on…

Regular polygon: All sides and angles are congruent
Equiangular means equal angles
equilateral triangle is regular (notice the word lateral in equilateral)
A square is a regular quadrilateral

Once you find the TOTAL of all the interior angles of a polygon, if it is REGULAR, just divide the sum by the number of angles in the polygon and you will find the measurement of each angle.

Example: Find the measurement of each angle of a REGULAR hexagon.
A hexagon has 6 sides so (6-2)180 = 4(180) = 720  degrees for all the angles in a hexagon. Because it is REGULAR all the angles have the same measurement so divide 720 by 6
720/6 =  120.    Each angle is 120 degrees.

Exterior Angle Sum; It’s 360 degrees for ANY POLYGON!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Algebra (Period 5)

Using the Distributive Property 8-5

Using the Distributive Property to factor the GCF

(Your book also introduces “factoring by grouping” in this section but we will come back to that in a few days… We will also skip the ZERO PRODUCTS PROPERTY—for now)

Factoring is a skill that you MUST understand to be successful in high level math
Factoring is simply undoing multiplying.
Factoring uses the concept of DIVIDING
You are actually undoing the Distributive Property
How? You look for the most of every common factor
à the GCF
Then you pull out the GCD (divide it out) from each term placing the GCF in front of a set of {{HUGS}}  parentheses


Factor :  4m2n3 + 2m2n2 + 6m2n
Step 1: What does each term have in common? (What is the GCF?)
They each can be divided by  2m2n  . Right ?
Step 2: Put the GCF in front of a set of {{HUGS}} and divide each term by the GCF

Step 3: Simplify and you get
2m2n(2n2+ n + 3)
Step 4: Check your answers!! Always check your factoring of the GCF by distributing back. (It should be the same thing!)

Another just as important check:
Make sure you have factored out the entire GCF
à Look inside the parentheses and ask yourself:
Is there any common factors remaining between the terms?
If there is, you haven’t factored out the GREATEST Common Factor.
For example: Let’s say in the prior example that you only factored out 2mn
You would have:


Which would be    2mn( 2mn +mn +3m)
If you just check by distributing back, the problem will check…
Look inside the (  ) and notice that each term still has a common factor of m. So this would not be the fully factored form. Make sure you always look inside your {{HUGS}}

Relatively Prime Terms- terms with no common factors. That means that they cannot be factored ( GCF = 1)
We say they are
“NOT Factorable” or “PRIME”

Math 6A ( Periods 2 & 7)

Dividing Integers 11-5
Essential Question: Is the quotient of two integers positive, negative or zero? How can you tell?
The rules for multiplying integers apply to dividing integers.

Look at your Fact Families
(2)(-3) = (-6)
so we know
-6 ÷ 2 = -3  and   -6 ÷ -3 = 2

The same life story applies as told about multiplying integers!  Hmmm… what was that story?

-15 ÷  3  ( integers with different signs) = - 5
12 ÷ 4 ( integers with same signs) = 3
12 ÷ (-3) ( integers with different signs) = -4
-12 ÷ (-4) ( integers with same signs) = +3
0 ÷  (-15) = 0

What’s the general rule about dividing two integers with the same sign?
When dividing integers with the same sign, divide their absolute value and make the quotient positive.
What’s the general rule about dividing two integers with different sign?
When dividing integers with different sign, divide their absolute value and make the quotient negative.

-49/7 = -7
21/-3 = -7
Evaluating an Expression
Evaluate 10 - x2 ÷ y  when x = 8 and y = -4
Substitute each value using {{HUGS}} 
10 – (8)2 ÷ (-4)
10 -64÷ (-4)
10 –(-16)
10 + 16 = 26

Real Life Application
You measure the height of the tide using the support beams of a pier. Your measurements are  59 inches at 2PM and 8 inches at 8PM
What is the mean hourly change in the height?
How many hours are between  2 PM and 8 PM ?   6 hours
Use a model to help you solve this problem

The mean change in the height of the tide is -8.5 inches per hour

Math 8 ( Period 1)

Angles of Triangles 5-3
All triangles have interior angles that sum to 180 degrees.
An exterior angle of a triangle is supplementary to the interior angle right next to it. They form a straight angle (a straight line)
You form this exterior angle by extending one of the sides of the triangle.

The measure of any exterior angle is the SUM of the two remote interior angles.
Remote interior angles are the OTHER TWO inside angles across from the exterior angle.

If you know the ratio of the three angles of a triangle, you can use an equation to find the measurement of each angle.
For example, say you are given that the angles have a ratio of 1:2:5 ( read this 1 to 2 to 5)
Let x be an amount that each angle is multiplied by
1x + 2x + 5x = 180
8x = 180
Divide BOTH sides by 8
x = 22.5 degrees
The angles are
1(22.5) = 22.5 degrees
2(22.5) = 45 degrees
5(22.5) = 112.5 degrees
To check:  add them and check to see that the angles degrees sum to 180
22.5 + 45 + 112.5 = 180 ( YAY-- THEY DO!)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Algebra ( Period 5)

Factoring Trinomials 8-6

We  will factor them and then put our fully factored form on the same graph as the simplified form—What do you think will happen if we factored the trinomial (quadratic, 2nd degree polynomial) correctly?

Factoring Trinominals with a POSITIVE sign as the SECOND SIGN
You are trying to turn a trinomial back to the two binomials that were multiplied together to get it!

Always check your factoring by FOILing back!

There is a simple method for foiling basic trinomials
1) set up your two sets of  {{HUGS}  (    ) (    ) 
 When the last sign is positive then BOTH SIGNS in each of the {{HUGS}} are the SAME—they could be Both POSITIVE or they could be BOTH NEGATIVE!!
 How do you know what the 2 signs are? It is whatever the SIGN is of the MIDDLE ( SECOND) term!! PUT THAT SIGN in both {{HUGS}}  4) TO UNFOIL ( Factor) you will need to find 2 factors that MULTIPLY to the Last Term & ALSO ADD to the Middle Term To help you do this I suggest you use an X Put the product in the top of the X and the sum in the bottom of the X . Then figure out the correct factors on the left and right of the X. It gets easier with practice! I promise
Understand that this is really just an educated guess and check!

EXAMPLE 1x2 + 8x + 15
(   )(   )
Two set of {{HUGS}} are set up
THINK: Last sign is + so both of the signs inside the parentheses are the same
THINK: Middle sign is + so both of the signs are  +

( + )( + )
You know that the “F” in FOIL means that both first terms must be x so go ahead an place the x in each(x + )(x + )
You need to get the “L” in FOIL You need 2 factors whose product is 15 Like 1 and 15 or 2 and 5
If you use the “X” from above  YOU can see it!
But if you are having difficulty realize you need to add to the I and O in FOIL which means that the two factors must add to 8
___ ∙ ____ = 15
____ + ___ = 8
Since 3 + 5 = 8 this must be the two factors that work
3 ∙ 5= 15
3 + 5 = 8
(x + 5)(x + 3)
In this case it doesn’t matter which factor you put in the first set of  {{HUGS}} because they are the same sign. (I always tend to put the larger number in the first parentheses for a reason that you will see tomorrow.)  Now FOIL to see if we are right!!

EXAMPLE 2x2 - 8x + 15
Looks the same with one difference—the middle term is negative
(   )(   )
Two set of {{HUGS}} are set up
THINK: Last sign is + so both of the signs inside the parentheses are the same
THINK: Middle sign is - so both of the signs are  -

( - )( - )
You need to get the “L” in FOIL You need 2 factors whose product is 15 Like 1 and 15 or 2 and 5
If you use the “X” from above  YOU can see it!
But if you are having difficulty realize you need to add to the I and O in FOIL which means that the two factors must add to 8
-___ ∙ -____ = 15
-____ + -___ = -8
Since -3 + -5 = -8 this must be the two factors that work
-3 ∙ -5= 15
-3 + -5 = -8
(x - 5)(x - 3)
I actually just ignore the signs which making an educated guess because I have already put the negative signs in both parentheses so I have taken care of the negatives. It is up to you which way you are most comfortable… But once you make yup your mind--> stick with that method

EXAMPLE 3Same problem but now with a “y” on the middle and last terms 
Looks the same with one difference—the middle term is negative  Simply use the same factorization as above and add the y
x2 - 8xy + 15y2
Simply use the same factorization as above and add the y
(x- 5y )(x – 3y)Always FOIL back to check!
Remember the Little nose and the Big Smile—to check the middle term—that is usually were students make a mistake. It is the O and I in FOIL 
Factoring Trinomials with a Negative Sign as the Second TermThis is a bit more complicated
1) set up your two sets of  {{HUGS}}  (    ) (    ) 
 Look at that last sign, If it is NEGATIVE, then the signs in the {{HUGS}} must be DIFFERENT. Why? Because in order to get a negative when you multiply integers—one of them needs to be negative and the other must be positive. Remember that the last term is the product of the two last terms in FOILing.3) Now look at the sign of the second term. It tells you “Who wins” meaning which sign must have the bigger number or which has the greater absolute value. Remember that the middle term is the SUM of the O and the I terms when FOILING.  Because these two terms have different signs, when you add them—you actually take the difference (subtract) and take the “bigger number’s”  sign.
PUT THAT SIGN IN THE FIRST PARENTHESES and always put the “bigger number” in the first set of {{HUGS}} 

To help you do this I suggest you use an X Put the PRODUCT in the top of the X and the DIFFERENCE in the bottom of the X . Then figure out the correct factors on the left and right of the X. It gets easier with practice! I promise
Understand that this is really just an educated guess and check!

EXAMPLE 4x2+ 2x – 15
(   )(   )
Two set of {{HUGS}} are set up
THINK: Last sign is - so both of the signs inside the parentheses are DIFFERENT
THINK: Middle sign is + so the POSITIVE WINS

( + )( - )
You know the “F” in FOIL means that both first terms must be x
(x + )(x - )
Now to get the “L” in FOIL you need 2 factors whose product is NEGATIVE 15
-1 and 15, 1 and -15 or -3 and 5 or 3 and -5
But, since the POSITIVE must win, according to the POSITIVE TERM of 2x, you  know that the bigger factor must be POSITIVE ( so it can win)
so either + 15 and -1 or +5 and -3 are the only choices
But, you also need to add to the I and the O in FOIL so pick the two factors that also ADD to POSITIVE 2
Therefore it has to be +5 and -3. 
+___ ∙ -____ = 15
+___ + -___ = 2
+5 ∙ -3 = 15
+5 + -3 = 2
so    (x +5 )(x - 3)

EXAMPLE 5x2-  2x – 15
That’s the same as before EXCEPT the middle sign is now negative
(   )(   )
Two set of {{HUGS}} are set up
THINK: Last sign is - so both of the signs inside the parentheses are DIFFERENT
THINK: Middle sign is - so the NEGATIVE WINS
Its exactly the same but this time you need to get to a difference of -2
(x -5 )(x +3)
EXAMPLE 6Same as the last example but this time with a “y”
x2-  2xy – 15y2
Same problem except that there are two variables—make sure to add the Y at the end—or set it up right from the start…(   )(   )
Two set of {{HUGS}} are set up
(x y)(x y)
Use the same technique
(x - 5y)(x + 3y)

Algebra Honors ( Period 4)

Special Products 8-4
Learning to recognize some special products- it makes multiplying easier
Remember: you can FOIL these just like the other products until you remember these special patterns  but when we get to factoring  it really helps you to know these patterns by heart!!
When you do, you actually don’t need to show any work because you do it in your head!  That should make a lot of you very happy !!
Difference of Two squares
You will notice that the two factors are Identical except that they have different signs
(x + 6)(x – 6) = x2 – 6x + 6x – 36 = x2  – 36  The middle terms drop out.
This will happen EVERY TIME
The middle terms are additive inverses so they become ZERO
You are left with a difference (subtraction) of two terms that are squared.

Squaring a Binomial
When you multiply one binomial by itself (squaring it) you end up with:
First term squared + twice the product of both terms + last term squared
(x + 6)2 = ( x + 6)(x + 6) = x2+ 2(6x) + 36=  x2+ 12x + 36
If you had foiled it
x2+ 6x + 6x + 36
à can you see that the 2 middle terms are just doubling up?
Another Example
(x - 6)2 = ( x - 6)(x - 6) = x2 -2(6x) + 36=  x2 - 12x + 36

PLEASE NOTE:  Noticing these special products helps you do these multiplication FASTER
If you ever forget them, just FOIL ( or box)
You will need to start recognizing them for factoring!!

Algebra ( Period 5)

Special Products 8-4
Learning to recognize some special products- it makes multiplying easier
Remember: you can FOIL these just like the other products until you remember these special patterns  but when we get to factoring  it really helps you to know these patterns by heart!!
When you do, you actually don’t need to show any work because you do it in your head!  That should make a lot of you very happy !!
Difference of Two squares
You will notice that the two factors are Identical except that they have different signs
(x + 6)(x – 6) = x2 – 6x + 6x – 36 = x2  – 36  The middle terms drop out.
This will happen EVERY TIME
The middle terms are additive inverses so they become ZERO
You are left with a difference (subtraction) of two terms that are squared.

Squaring a Binomial
When you multiply one binomial by itself (squaring it) you end up with:
First term squared + twice the product of both terms + last term squared
(x + 6)2 = ( x + 6)(x + 6) = x2+ 2(6x) + 36=  x2+ 12x + 36
If you had foiled it
x2+ 6x + 6x + 36
à can you see that the 2 middle terms are just doubling up?
Another Example
(x - 6)2 = ( x - 6)(x - 6) = x2 -2(6x) + 36=  x2 - 12x + 36

PLEASE NOTE:  Noticing these special products helps you do these multiplication FASTER
If you ever forget them, just FOIL ( or box)
You will need to start recognizing them for factoring!!

Math 6A (Periods 2 & 7)

Multiplying Integers 11-4

3 ⋅ -2 = -6
Its really repeated addition
-2 + -2 + -2 which we learned a few sections ago was equal to -6.

The product of a positive integer and a negative integer is a negative integer.

The product of ZERO and any integer is ALWAYS ZERO!!
a⋅0 = 0

Math imitates life...and Karma(?)

What was the story I told in class... it applies to
Multiplication & Division ...
+ ⋅ + = +
- ⋅ + = -
+ ⋅ - = -
- ⋅ - = +

The product of -1 and any integer equals the opposite of that integer.
(-1)(a) = -a

The product of two negative integers is a positive integer

For a product with NO ZERO factors:
-->if the number of NEGATIVE factors is odd, the product is negative
-->if the number of NEGATIVE factors is even, then the product is positive

Every integer and its opposite have equal squares!!

Remember-- if its all multiplication use the Associative & Commutative Properties of Multiplication to make your work EASIER!!

Using Exponents
Evaluate (-2)2
Write (-2)2 as repeated multiplication
(-2)2 = (-2)(-2) = 4
Notice that the exponent is ONLY touching the 5 so this is really
-(5∙5) = -25
(-4)3  =(-4)(-4)(-4) = 16(-4) = -64

Evaluate the expression when a = -2, b = 3, and c = -8
Always substitute your actual number in with {{Hugs}} that is  (  )
Example 1 ab would be ( -2)(3) = -6
Example 2 │a2c│= │(-2)2(-8)│ = │ (4)(-8)│=│-32│= 32
Example 3 -ab3 –ac  = - (-2)(3)2 – (-2)(-8) = -(-2)(27) –(16) = -(-54) – 16 = +54 – 16 = 38
Did you get that one?

Look at each step to see what was done along the way!

Number Sense:
Find the next two numbers in the patterns:
7, -28, 112, -448, …
First what is happening to each?
It looks like each consecutive integer is 4 times the opposite of the previous number.
So the next two integers would be  1792,  -7168

Math 8 (Period 1)

Lines 5-1

 This is important vocabulary that you MUST know:

Parallel lines: Lines in the same plane that will NEVER intersect
On the coordinate plane, they have the same slope (constant rate of change)

Perpendicular lines; Lines in the same plane that intersect at a right angle ( 90 degrees)
On a coordinate plane, their slopes are opposite sign reciprocals

Transversal: A line that intersects two or more lines

This transversal creates angles that have specific names:
Interior Angles: Angles on INSIDE the two lines that are transversed (intersected)

Exterior Angles: Angles on OUTSIDE of the two lines that are transversed (intersected)

Alternate Interior Angles: Interior Angles that are on opposite sides of the transversal

Same Side Interior: Interior angles that are on the SAME SIDE of the transversal

Corresponding Angles: Angles that are in the SAME position on different lines with the same position with respect to the transversal

If the lines intersected by the transversal are PARALLEL, there are certain relationship between the angles:
Alternate Interior Angles are CONGRUENT

Corresponding Angles are CONGRUENT

Same Side Interiors are Supplementary (The sum of the degrees of two angles that are supplementary is 180 degrees)

Vertical Angles are CONGRUENT

Adjacent Angles are SUPPLEMENTARY (they form a STRAIGHT ANGLE)

The last two are sometimes harder for students to recognize:
Alternate Exterior Angles  are CONGRUENT
Exterior Same Side angles are SUPPLEMENTARY