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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Math 7 ( Period 4)

Solving Equations With Mental Math 2.3

An identity equation is where ANY number can be substituted for the variable.
The equation will be TRUE.
What will happen is that while you are balancing the equation, you will ultimately end up with the same exact expression on each side. The Distributive Property is a good example of an IDENTITY EQUATION
3(x + 4) = 3x + 12
Since DP ALWAYS works that means that ANY NUMBER will for x

A conditional equation is one that has a variable where only certain values will make the equation true.
3x = 12 is conditional because 3x = 12 if and only if x = 4
You can use mental math to guess and check to solve simple equations 5y = 35

Instead of solving you think “what number times 5 will give me 35?
y = 7
Now you plug in your GUESS and CHECK that you are right> 5(7) = 35
Yes  7 is the solution

Algebra Honors ( Periods 6 & 7)

Adding  & Subtracting Polynomials 4-2

Terms to Know:
Polynomials = SUM of monomials

Monomials must have variables with whole number powers.
no variables in the denominator, no roots of numbers!!
so 1/x is not a monomial
neither is x 1/2

constants have whole number power of zero..
7 is really 7x0
constants are also called constant monomials

1 term = monomial
2 terms = binomial
3 terms = trinomial

TERMS are separated by addition
( if see subtraction-- THINK: add the opposite!!)

Coefficient - number attached to the variable ( it can be a fraction)
3x2 - 10x
the coefficients are 3 and -10. Make sure to attach the negative sign to the coefficient -- and ADD the OPPOSITE

y/6 is really (1/6)y so the coefficient is 1/6
if you have -x/3 that is really (-1/3)x so the coefficient is -1/3

Constant = the number that is not attached to ANY variable

Two monomials that are exactly alike ( except for the coefficient) are said to be similar, or liketerms.
-5xy2 and xy2 and (1/3) xy2 are like terms. So is 16yxy because when you combine it 16yxy becomes 16xy2
But... -3xy2 and -3x2y are NOT!!!

A polynomial is simplified when no two terms are similar
-6x3 + 3 x2 + x2 + 6x3 - 5 can be simplified to
4x2 - 5

Degree of a variable in a term = number of times that variable occurs as a factor.
Degree of a term = SUM of the exponents of all its variables
-6x4 : the degree is 4
8x2 : the degree is 2
-2x : the degree is 1
9 : the degree is 0 ( think 9 is really 9x0

Degree of a polynomial - HIGHEST degree of any of its terms
-6x4 + 8x2 + -2x + 9
The degree of the polynomial is : 4

Leading term 
= term with the HIGHEST degree
Leading coefficient- the coefficient of the leading term

Day Two of this lesson:

Descending order- write the variables with the highest power first ( This is the way it is usually written)

Ascending order- write the variables with the lowest power first ( actually NEVER used in practice)

Adding Polynomials
This is nothing more than combining LIKE TERMS
LIKE TERMS = same variable AND same power

You can either do this using 3 different strategies:
1. Simply do it in your head, but keep track by crossing out the terms as you use them.
2. Rewrite putting the like terms together (commutative and associative property)
3. Rewrite in COLUMN form, putting like terms on top of each other like you do when adding a column of numbers.

(5x4 - 3x2 - (-4x) + 3) + (-10x4 + 3x3- 3x2 - x + 3)
Rewrite in column form, lining up like terms:

Subtraction of Polynomials
You can use the ADDITIVE INVERSE PROPERTY with polynomials!
Subtracting is simply adding the opposite so.............
(Change all the signs of the second polynomial!)
After you change all the signs, use one of your ADDING POLYNOMIAL strategies!
(see the 3 strategies listed above under Chapter 5-7)

(5x4 - 3x2 - (-4x) + 3) - (-10x4 + 3x3- 3x2 - x + 3)
Rewrite in column form, lining up like terms:
5x4 - 3x2 - (-4x) + 3
- ( -10x4 + 3x3- 3x2 - x + 3)

For the sake of showing you here, I have added ZERO Terms to line up columns
+ 5x4 + 0x3 - 3x2 -(-4x) + 3
-(-10x4 +3x3- 3x2 - x + 3)

5x4 + 0x3 - 3x2 - (-4x) + 3
+10x4 -3x3 +3x2 + x - 3
15x4 - 3x3 + 5 x

Algebra Honors ( Periods 6 & 7)

Exponents 4-1
In the expression 54 the number 4 is called the exponent and the number 5 is called the base
We call 54 the exponential form of 5⋅5⋅5⋅5 (which is the expanded form)
The exponent tells you the number of times the base is used as a factor.
bn = b⋅b⋅b⋅b⋅b⋅⋅⋅⋅b ( a total of n factors)
The expression bn tells you that b is used as a factor n times.

-2⋅p⋅q⋅3⋅p⋅q⋅p written in exponential form is -6p3q2

Be careful when an expression contains both parentheses and exponents
(2y)3 = (2y)(2y)(2y) = 8y3
2y3 means 2⋅y⋅y⋅y = 2y3
-34 = -81
(-3)4 = (-3)(-3)(-3)(-3) = +81
(1 + 5)2 = 36
1 + 52= 26
(x –y)3/2x + y
for x = 2 and y = 5


x4 – a4
for x = 2 and a = 3

[23 + 33] ÷ [23 + (-1)2] = (8 + 27) /9 = 35/9

Evaluating terms - this is what we have been doing all year... plug it in, plug it in!!
Remember to ALWAYS put the number you substitute in parentheses!!

2x2y + 5xy - 4, where x = -4 and y = 5
Substitute carefully:

2(-4)2(5) + 5(-4)(5) - 4
= 2(16)(5) +(-20)(5) - 4
= 160 +(-100) -4
= 160 -104
= 56

Math 6A ( Periods 1 & 2)

Writing Mathematical Equations 2-2

The process of writing equations really is just writing two equal expressions and joining them by an equals sign. The words "is" "equals" or "equal to" all indicate that two phrases NAME the same number.
The equals sign is the VERB in a mathematical sentence-- without it you have a mathematical expression!!
Eight increased by a number x is equal to thirty-seven.
In translating this mathematical sentence, I always start but placing the equals sign directly under the words "is equal"
so my first step would be

Eight increased by a number x is equal to thirty-seven.
----------------------------------- = ------------------
Then I would translate each mathematical phrase separately.
Yes, thirty-seven is a mathematical phrase!!
8 + x = 37

Ten is two less than a number n
10 = n - 2

Twice a number w equals the sum of the number and four
2w = w + 4

Notice that when you are indicating multiplication the number (coefficient) ALWAYS is placed in front of the variable.

So three times a number b would be 3b
The only time you see the letter first-- is when you are looking for our ROOM--
which is K 101... a mathematician did not label the room numbers!! :)

Sometimes we need to write an equation for a word sentence that involves measurements. MAKE SURE that each side of the equation uses the SAME UNIT of Measurement!!
For example. Write an equation for: The value of d dimes is $27.50
WE know that the value of d dimes is 10d cents (from our previous lesson) .. but $27.50 is in terms of dollars so we need to change it to cents . $27.50 is 2750 cents ... So our equation becomes 10d = 2750.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Math 7 (Period 4)

Combining Like Terms 2.2

Lots of VOCAB today
Try to understand what each means—rather than just memorizing

terms- a number andor a variable added/subtracted to another number and/or variable
factors: a number and/or variable multiplied by another number and/or variable
addition words: sum, total, plus, more than, greater than, addends, altogether,  both
subtraction words: difference, minus, less than, less, minuend, subtrahend
multiplication words: product, times, factors, each
division words:  quotient, dividend, divisor, shared  equally
expression: at least one term (with NO EQUAL SIGN)
equation: equal expressions (It MUST have an = sign)
numerical: all numbers (called constants)
variable: a letter or a symbol used to represent a number
algebraic or variable: has at least one variable
simplify a numerical expression—do order of Operations O3 you will get a simpler expression
evaluate given the value of the variable you ‘plug and chug’ in an algebraic expression and simplify using O3
Coefficient: the number attached to a variable. The number is written BEFORE the variable
Constant: a number with no variable attached.

Combining Like Terms
Need the follow:
1. Same exact variable or variables (or NO variable- meaning that they are constants)
2. Same exact exponent
You can combine by adding or subtraction LIKE TERMS
You cannot combine UNLIKE TERMS
3a + 4a = 7a
3a + 4b  just stays the same it is 3a + 4b
3a + 4a2 also cannot be combined it remains 3a + 4a2
You should always combine like terms BEFORE you evaluate.
It is so much simpler to do
25a + 5a – 10a  when a = 25
First combine like terms
25a + 5a – 10a = 20a
Then plug in for a = 25
20(25) = 500
You can always simplify unlike terms with multiplication or division
That is
(5x)(6y) = 30xy
Our BFF’s the Commutative and Associative Properties of Multiplication JUSTIFY why you can multiply
(5)(x)(6)(y) Break up the pairs using Associative Prop of Mult
(5)(6)(x)(y) Switch the order using Commutative Prop of Mult
The numbers are together and the variables are in alphabetical order
(5 6)xy  group the tw onumbers together using the Associative Prop of Mult
30xy Simplify using the Order of Operation (O3)

Our properties also Justify combining like terms
b + 3 + 2b
1b + 3 + 2b  That’s the Identity Prop of Multiplication (IDx) because it lets you include the 1 to b+3+ 2b-à 1b + 3 + 2b
1b + 2b + 3 Commutative Prop of Addition(C+) lets you change the order of the  terms
(1b +2b) + 3 Associative Property of Addition (A+) lets you GROUP the two b terms
b( 1+ 3) + 3 Distributive Property  DP+( backwards) lets you take out the common b that was districbuted to two of the terms
b(3) + 3 Simplify using Order of Operations ( O3)

3b + 3    Commutative Prop of Mult ( Cx) lets you switch the ORDER of the b and 3 to proper form

Algebra Honors ( Periods 6 & 7)

Proof in Algebra 3-8
Some of the properties discussed in the previous chapters are statements we assume to be true. Others are called theorems. A theorem is a statement that is shown to be true using a logically developed argument. Logical reasoning that uses given facts, definitions, properties, and other already proven theorems to show that a particular theorem is true is called a proof. Proofs are used extensively in Algebra as well as Geometry.
Prove: For all numbers a and b, (a + b) – b = a

Many times, only the KEY reasons are states—the substitute principle and the properties of equality are usually not stated. So, the above prove could be shortened to 4 steps:

Prove: For all real numbers a and b, such that a≠ 0 and b ≠0
1/ab = 1/a ⋅1/b

Since 1/ab is the unique reciprocal of ab, you can prove that

1/ab = 1/a⋅ 1/b by showing that the product of ab and 1/a ⋅ 1/b is 1

Once a theorem has been proved, you can use it as a reason in other proofs. Check the Chapter summary on page 88 of our textbook for the listing of properties and theorems that you can use as reasons in your proofs for our homework.

Math 6A ( Periods 1 & 2)

Writing Mathematical Expressions 2-1

Make sure to glue the 'pink 1/2 sheet' of math word phrases that we associate with each of the four basic operations -- into your spiral notebook (SN)

We can use the same mathematical expression to translate many different word phrases
Five less than a number n
The number n decreased by five
The difference when five is subtracted from a number n

All three of those phrases can be translated into the variable expression

n - 5

The quotient of a number y divided by ten becomes y/10. It may look like only a fraction to you-- but if you read y/10 as always " y divided by 10" you have used the proper math language.

Twelve more than three times a number m

Wait-- where are you starting from... in this case you are adding 12 to 3m so you must write

3m + 12

Not all word phrases translate directly into mathematical expressions. Sometimes we need to interpret a situation.. we might need to use relationships between to help create our word phrase.

In writing a variable expression for the number of hours in w workdays, if each workday consists of 8 hours...

8w would be our expression

Some everyday words we use to so relationships with numbers:
consecutive whole numbers are whole numbers that increase by 1 for example 4, 5, 6
So the next consecutive whole number after w is w + 1.

preceding whole number is the whole number that is 1 less and the next whole number is the whole number that is 1 greater.

So the number which precedes x would be x - 1.
The next number after n is n + 1

What if I asked what is the next consecutive EVEN number after the even number "m"
It would be m + 2

What would it be if I asked what was the next consecutive odd number, after the odd number x?
x + 2

Wednesday September 18th  Lesson continues with Writing Expressions:

What if I asked what is the next consecutive EVEN number after the even number "m"
It would be m + 2

What would it be if I asked what was the next consecutive odd number, after the odd number x?
x + 2
Let's look at those relationships like the workdays from Monday's lesson... We are going to find another strategy to use for some of the more complicated expressions...

First set up a T chart- as discussed in class
put the unknown on the left side of the T chart... The unknown is always the one that reads like " w workdays"

so in this case

workdays on the left side and under it you put

On the right side put the other variable-- in this case hours
under hours put the corresponding facts you know-- the relationship between workdays and hours as given in this case

all of those would be on the right side of the T chart.

Now look at the relationships and ask yourself--
"What do you do to the left side to get the right side?"

and in this case, specifically...

What do you do to 1 to get 8?
What do you do to 2 to get 16?
What do you do to 3 to get 24?

Do you see the pattern?

For each of those the answer is "Multiply by 8" so
what do you do to w-- The answer is Multiply by 8
so the mathematical expression in this case is "8w."

What about writing an expression for
The number of feet in i inches

i inches is the unknown... so that goes on the left side of the T chart... with feet on the right

i inches ___feet

I filled in three known relationships between inches and feet Now, ask your self those questions again...
"What do you do to the left side to get the right side?"

and in this case, specifically...

What do you do to 12 to get 1?
What do you do to 24 to get 2?
What do you do to 36 to get 3?

In each of these, the answer is divide by 12
so What do you do to i? the answer is divide by 12
i inches ___feet

and it is written i/12

Monday, September 16, 2013

Math 7 (Period 4)

Translating Phrases into Expressions 2.1

Algebraic Expressions represent phrases that have an unknown or variable
Numeric expressions have only numbers
The main strategy to create an algebraic expression is called TRANSLATING. You translate each word by word to create the expression
That is when you need to know the typical operation words like sum, difference, product and quotient, You also need to know other operation words  such as  ‘more than’, times, minus, divided by… and so on….
For most translations you keep the same order of the  way the phrase is stated…
The sum of a number and 12
n + 12
The difference of 12 and a numbers
12- n
The product of 12 and a number

The quotient of 12 and a number
You NEVER use x for times because x is a variable!!
Use the dot in the middle or use  (  )

There are some “Algebra Style Notes” for writing expressions:
1.   You do not need any symbol if you are multiplying either 2 or more variables or a number with a variable because just putting them next to each other means multiplication.
3xy means triple the product of a number and another number.
6z means the product of 6 and a number

2.    For addition and multiplication with a number and a variable, generally the number is FIRST   
You would not see  (y)(3)  You would see 3y. Generally you change 3 + n to n + 3

3.    You generally use a fraction bar for division—especially when you have variables!

4.    You keep variables in alphabetical order and if there are exponents with the same variable, you ALWAYS list them with the HIGHEST power first.   If you have 3a+ 4a2  you would use the Commutative Property of Addition and switch it to 4a2 + 3a

There are a couple of translations where the ORDER IS SWITCHED—from the way it is written.  They are both for subtraction. When in doubt of the order, always substitute any number  for the variable and you should be able to determine the order:
For example:
5 less than a number… Not sure?
Think: Change a number to let’s say 20
5 less than 20 is?     15
What did you do in your hear?    20 -5
Notice that the 5 is SECOND even though the word phrase has it FIRST
So now change the 20 back into the variable
n  - 5

Whenever you see LESS THAN… switch the order!!
The same is true for
5 subtracted from a number
You again have a number and then you subtract 5 from that number
n – 5

A more complicated translation is
when you have a number times a SUM or a DIFFERENCE
For example:
5 times the SUM of a number and 3
Thinkà change the number to any number of your choice
5 times the SUM of 4 and 3 is ?
Wait… that’s 5 times 7 or 35
How did you get 35?
First you found the sum (4 + 3) or 7
Then you found 5 time 7 or 35

Now substitute back the variable for the number of your choice

So you need a set of ( ) to tell the reader to find the SUM first and then multiply.

The same is true of DIFFERENCE times a number
Translate:  Twice the DIFFERENCE of 5 and a number.
2( 5 -n)

When you just can’t translate word by word  you will need other strategies to help you

Stratgey # 2
DRAW a picture
When in doubt, Draw it out!!

I have 5 times the number of quarters as I have dimes.
I try translating it to 5q = d
I check If I assume that I have 20 quarters then 5(20) = 100 dimes.
Does that make sense? That would mean I have a lot more dimes than I have quarters and that isn’t what the words say that I have! The original problem says I have a lot more quarters. So my Algebra is WRONG
I need to switch the variables
5d = q
I check
If I assume that I have 20 quarters then 5d = 20
Does this make sense? YES
If I have 20 quarters and only 4 dimes
Sometimes it helps to make a quick pictures.
Imagine 2 piles of coins
The pile of quarters is 5 times as high as the pile of dimes
You can clearly see that you would need to multiple the number of  dimes to make that pile the same height as the number of quarters.

Strategy #3
Make a  T-Chart
To translate known relationships to Algebra, it often helps to make a T-Chart
You ALWAYS put the unknown variable on the LEFT side AND  what you known on the right
Fill in the chart with 3 lines of numbers and look for the relationship between the 2 columns.
Then you use that mathematical relationship with a variable.
Ask yourself... What do I do to the left side to get the number on the right?
Example The number of hours in d days
Your unknown is d days so that does on the left side

d days----# of hours
1----------à 24
2---------à 48
3 --------à 72

Before you put the variable… look at the relationship between the left column and the right column. Ask yourself... What do I do to the left side to get the number on the right?
Specifically …
What do I do to 1 to get 24?
What do I do to 2 to get 48?
What do I do to 3 to get 72?
The answer to all of those questions is… Multiply it by 24
You must multiply the left column by 24 to get the right column.
So now back at your T chart

d days----# of hours
1----------à 24
2---------à 48
3 --------à  72
d---------à  24d
The last line of the column will then use your variable d
Notice your answer is 24d

What if the questions was to state the number of days in h hours ( the lip of the first example)
Your unknown is h hours this time so that does on the left side

h hours ---à   # of days
24  --------à  1
48  --------à  2
72 --------à  3

Why did I start with 24 not 1 hour this time?
Now look at the relationship between the left column and the right column…  Ask yourself... What do I do to the left side to get the number on the right?
What do I do to 24 to get 1?
What do I do to 48 to get 2?
What do I do to 72 to get 3?
The answer to all those questions is…  DIVIDE by 24
You must divide the left column by 24 to get the right column.
The last line of the T-Chart will then use your variable h

h hours ---à   # of days
24  --------à  1
48  --------à  2
72 --------à  3

h  --------à h/24

Algebra Honors (Periods 6 & 7)

Cost,  Income, and Value Problems 3-7
Objective: To organize the facts of a problem in a chart & solve problems involving cost, income, and value
Using a chart to organize the facts of a problem can be a helpful problem solving strategy.
Cost = number of items X price per item
Income = hours worked X wage per hour
Total value = # of items X value per item

Example: Tickets for the senior class play cost $6 for adults and $3 for students. A total of 846 tickets worth $3846 were sold. How many student tickets were sold?
Let x = the number of student tickets sold
Then 846- x = the number of adult tickets sold

The only fact NOT recorded in this chart is that the total cost of the tickets is $3846.
The equation becomes
3x + 6(846 –x) = 3846.
3x + 5076 – 6x = 3826
-3x = -1230
x = 410
Check to make sure what x represented… in this case the number of student tickets so
410 student tickets were sold.

We then turned to Problem 4 on Page 128

A collection of 52 dimes and nickels is worth $4.50. How many nickels are there?
Let d = the number of dimes, so If there are 52 in the collection
52-d must = the number of nickels. So our Chart looks like:

This time we reread the given facts and with the second fact, we realize that we can add the two expressions and set them equal to $4.50
10d + 5(52 - d) = 450
solving this equation, we find that d = 38
Make sure to reread the question… it asked “how many nickels?”
So we need to use 52-d and substitute in 38… 52 -38 = 14
14 nickels is the correct answer

Here are two more good examples:
Celia bought 12 apples, ate two and sold the rest at 20 cents more per apple than she paid. Her total profit was $1.00 How much did she sell each apple for?
Let b = the price she bought each of the apples for
We glued in the “yellow-colored” chart here and completed it to look like:

Now, her profit is the difference between what she sold them for and what she bought them for… Therefore the equation becomes
10(b + 20) – 12b = 100
10b + 200 -12b = 100
-2b = -100
b = 50
Re reading the question we realize we solved for what she bought the apples each for. We need to add 20cents to find out what she sold them for

She sold each apple for 70 cents.

The last problem we did from our textbook was # 14 on Page 129

Jo has 37 coins ( nickels, dimes & quarters) for $5.50 She has 4 more quarters than nickels. How many dimes does Jo have?
Let n = the number of nickels
n + 4 = the number of quarters
So if there was a total of 37 the rest must be dimes
37 – [ n + (n+4)] or 37 –(2n +4)
Let’s set up the chart

Now we know that all of them combined equal $5.50
5n + 10[37-(2n+4) + 25(n +4) = 550
5n + 370 – 20n – 40 + 25n + 100 = 550
combining all the n’s

10n + 330 +100 = 550
10n = 120
n = 12
Re reading the question, we find we need to see how many dimes so substitute in
37 -[2(12) +4] = 37 – [24 +4] = 37 -28 = 9
Jo had 9 dimes.