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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Math 6H ( Periods 3, 6, & 7)

Decimals 3-3

Although decimals ( termed decimal fractions) had been used for centuries, Simon Stevin in the 16th century began using them on a daily basis and he helped establish their use in the fields of sciences and engineering.

Note that
1/10 = 1/101
1/100 = 1/102
1/1000 = 1/103

We also know that
1/10= 0/1
1/100 = 0.01
1/1000 = 0.001
1/10000 = 0.0001
and so on... these strings of digits are called decimals.

Remember how we proved that any number to he zero power was equal to 1
or a0 = 1

Refer back to your notes or to the blog a few days ago...
we also showed how
What happens when you multiply the same bases?
34 ⋅ 32 = 3⋅3⋅3⋅3⋅3⋅3
or 34+2 = 3 6
We just add the exponents if the bases are the same!!
When we divide by the same base we just subtract

34 /32 = 34-2 =32

What would happen if we had
32 / 34 ?
Let's look at what we would actually have

Which would be

or 1/32

but you can write that as 3-2
We just subtract-- using the same rule.

Now let's get back to our decimal lesson and apply that to decimals -- and the Powers of TEN

SO 1/10 = 1/101= 0.01 and it is equal to 10-1
Notice that 10-1 is NOT a negative number-- it is a small number
and 10-21 is not a negative number it is a VERY TINY number

AS with whole numbers, decimals use place values. These place values are to the RIGHT of the decimal point.
We need to be able to write decimals in words as well as expanded notation.
In class we used 0.6394 as our example

zero and six thousand three hundred ninety-four ten-thousandths.

Notice how this number when written in words begins...with "ZERO AND"
Why do we need to do that?

Also notice that there is a hyphen between ten and thousandths in ten-thousandths. It is critical to understand when you must place a hyphen.
We read the entire number to the right of the decimal point as if it represented a whole number, and then we give the place value of the digit farthest to the right.

So, although 0.400 is equivalent to 0.4
we must read 0.400 as "zero and four hundred thousandths."

Now look at the following words
"zero and four hundred-thousandths." What is the subtle difference between those two phrases above?
There is a hyphen in the last phrase-- which means that the hundred and the thousandths are attached and represent a place value so

zero and four hundred-thousandths is 0.00004 while
zero and four hundred thousandths is 0.400

Carefully see the distinction!!

Getting back to our 0.6394

to write it in decimals sums and then in exponents:
0 + 0.6 + 0.03 + 0.009 + 0.0004

0 + 6(0.1) + 3(0.01) +9(0.001) + 4(0.0001)

0(100) + 6(10-1)+ 3(10-2)+ 9(10-3)+ 4(10-4)

14.35 is read as fourteen AND thirty-five hundredths.
When reading numbers, only use the AND to indicate the decimal point

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Algebra Period 4

Word Problems.. Continuted...

Generally, you see these type of word problems for geometry, age problems, and finding two integers that have some sort of relationship to each other.

The length of a rectangle is twice its width. The perimeter is 48 inches. What is the length and width? Let w = width and l = length of the rectangle Using P = 2l + 2w
2l + 2w = 48 and What else do we know? l = 2w
We can't solve either of these 2 equations because they each have 2 different variables. But...we can substitute in for one of the variables and "get rid of it"! :)
2l + 2w = 48 Substitute 2w in for length: ( because we know l = 2w)
2(2w) + 2w = 48
6w = 48
w = 8 inches
l = 2w so l = 2(8) = 16 inches

Mary and Sam's ages sum to 50

Mary's age is 10 less than twice Sam's age. Find their ages
Let M = Mary's age and S = Sam's age
M = 2S - 10
M + S = 50
Substitute (2S - 10) for Mary's age so you'll only have 1 variable:
(2S - 10) + S = 50
3S - 10 = 50
3S = 60
Sam (S) = 20 years old
Mary = 2S - 10 = 2(20) - 10 = 30 years old.

Finding 2 integers:
The sum of 2 integers is 26.
One integer is 10 more than 3 times the other. Find the 2 integers.

x = one integer and y = other integer x + y = 26

x = 3y + 10 Substitute in for x:
(3y + 10) + y = 26 4y + 10 = 26
4y = 16 y = 4
x = 3(4) + 10 = 22

Algebraic Inequalities:


Some key words to know:

AT LEAST means greater than or equal

AT MOST means less than or equal

I need at least $200 to go to the mall means I must have $200, but I'd like to have even more!

I want at most 15 minutes of homework means that I can have 15 minutes, 
but I'm hoping for even less! 
Because the answers in an inequality are infinite, the word problems usually are worded to either ask for the least or the greatest answers in the solution set.
For example if the problem asks for 2 consecutive odd integers that sum to at least 50, it will say: "give the smallest" in the solution set.

n + (n + 2) > 50
n > 24

The smallest odd integers in the set are 25 and 27

For example if the problem asks for 2 consecutive odd integers that sum to at most 50, it will say: "give the greatest" in the solution set.

n + (n + 2) < 50
n < 24

The greatest odd integer in the set is 23, so the integers are 23 and 25 (n + 2)

Math 6H ( Periods 3, 6, & 7)

The Decimal System 3-2

Our system of numbers uses the following ten digits:
0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

Whole numbers greater than 9 can actually be represented as sums. For example
386 = 300 + 80 + 6
3(100) + 8(10) + 6(1)

Notice that each place value is ten times the value of the place value to its RIGHT!!
The number 10 is called the BASE of this system of writing numbers.
The system itself is called the DECIMAL SYSTEM from the Latin word decem-- which means ten
Think December- but why is that month the 12th month? hmmm.. Did anyone know from class?

Look at the chart given to you in class and notice the place names for the first several numbers.
To make numbers with MORE THAN four digits easier to read, commas are used to separate the digits into groups of three-- starting from the RIGHT

In words the number 420,346 is written as
"four hundred twenty thousand, three hundred forty-six."

The expanded notation for 420,346 is given by

4(100,000) + 2(10,00,000) + 0(1000) + 3(100) + 4(10) + 6(1)

Using exponents the expanded notation may be given as
4(105) + 2(104)+0(103)+3(102)+4(101)+6(100)

What hmmm.. how is (100) = 1

Writing a variable expression to represent two or three digit numbers requires you to think of the value of each place.
For example,
The ten's digit is t and the ones' digit is 2
you can't just put t + 2 WHY???

Let's say you are thinking of the number 12 when we said the expression
"The ten's digit is t and the ones' digit is 2"
If you said t + 2 you would get 1+2
and that = 3
It isn't the two digit number we wanted--- 12.

so what is the place value of the 1?
It is really in the ten's place or written as 1(10)
To write the variable expression we must in include the value

10t + 2 becomes the correct expression

What about the ten's digit is 5: the ones' digit is x? 5t + x. Do I need to put a 1 infront of the x for the ones' digit? No it is... invisible!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Math 6H ( Periods 3, 6, & 7)

Exponents and Powers of Ten 3-1
When two or more numbers are multiplied together--each of the numbers is called a factor of the product.

A product in which each factor is the SAME is called a power of that factor.

2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 16. 16 is called the fourth power of 2 and we can write this as
24 = 16

The small numeral (in this case the 4) is called the exponent and represents the number of times 2 is a factor of 16.
The number two, in this case, is called the base.

When you are asked to evaluate... simplify... solve... find the answer
That is,
43 = 4 X 4 X 4 = 16 X 4 = 64

The second and third powers of a numeral have special names.
The second power is called the square of the number and the third power is called the cube.

We read 122 as "twelve squared" and to evaluate it
122 = 12 X 12 = 144

Powers of TEN are important in our number system.
Make sure to check out the blue sheet and glue it into your spiral notebook
First Power: 101 but the exponent is invisible = 10
Second Power: 102 = 10 X 10 = 100
Third Power 103 = 10 X 10 X 10 = 1000
Fourth Power 104 =10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 10,000
Fifth Power 105 = 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 100,000

Take a look at this list carefully and you will probably see a pattern that we can turn into a general rule:

The exponent in a POWER of TEN is the same as the number of ZEROS when the number is written out.

The number of ZEROS in the product of POWERS OF TEN is the sum of the numbers of ZEROS in the factors.

For example Multiply.
100 X 1000
Since there are 2 Zeros in 100 and 3 zeros in 1000,
the product will have 2 + 3 , or 5 zeroes.
100 X 1000 = 100,000

When you need to multiply other bases:

first multiply each
For example

34 X 2 3 would be
(3 X 3 X 3X 3) X ( 2 X 2 X 2)
= 81 X 8 = 648

What happens when you multiply the same bases?
34 ⋅ 32 = 3⋅3⋅3⋅3⋅3⋅3 or 3 6
We just add the exponents if the bases are the same!!

Well then, what about (34)2 ?
Wait.. look carefully isn't that saying 34 Squared?
That would be (34)(34), right?
.. and looking at the rule above all we have to do here is then add those bases or 4 + 4 = 8 so the answer would be 38.
we could have made each (34) = (3⋅3⋅3⋅3)
so (34)2 would be 3⋅3⋅3⋅3⋅3⋅3⋅3⋅3 or still 38
But wait... isn't that multiplying the two powers? So when raising a power to a power-- you multiply!!
(34)2 = 38

1 to any more is still just 1
15 = 1

0 to any power is still 0!!

Evaluate if a = 3 and b = 5
Just substitute in... but use hugs () we all love our hugs!!
a3 + b2
would be (3)3 + (5) 2
= 27 + 25 = 52

Check out this great Video on the Powers of Ten

Monday, October 19, 2009

Algebra Period 4

Writing algebraic expressions will NOT have an equal sign and you will NOT be able to solve them!

Many times you can translate words into Algebra word by word just like you translate English to Spanish or French.

5 more than a number

5 + n

the product of 5 and a number


the quotient of 5 and a number


the difference of a number and 5

n - 5

NOTE: Because multiplication & addition are both commutative, when solving for a solution the order will not matter BUT I require that you translate accurately-- similarly to when you speak another language you are required to learn the proper order of words. AND, FOR SUBTRACTION AND DIVISION, YOU MUST BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE ORDER....GENERALLY, THE ORDER FOLLOWS THE ORDER OF THE WORDS EXCEPT (counterexample!)...

5 less THAN a number

5 subtracted FROM a number
Both of these are: n - 5

The order SWITCHES form the words because the words state that you have a number that is more than you want it to be so you need to take away 5 from it. If you aren’t sure about the order with these, I suggest that you try plugging in an actually number and see what you would do with the phrase.
For example, if the phrase was
“5 subtracted from 12”
you would immediately know to write

For word problems like someone's age or the amount of money you have, you also should always check your algebraic expression by substituting actual numbers to see if your expression makes sense.

EXAMPLE: Tom is 3 years older than 5 times the age of Julie

Translating: T = 3 + 5J

Does that make sense? Is Tom a lot older than Julie or is Julie older?

Try any age for Julie. Say she is 4 years old.

T = 3 + 5(4) = 23

In your check, Tom is 23.
Is Tom 3 years older than 5 times Julie's age?

You're algebra is correct!


I have 5 times the number of quarters as I have dimes.

Let’s say I first translate to: 5Q = D
check: If I assume that I have 20 quarters, then 5(20) = 100 dimes

Does this make sense? That would mean I have a lot more dimes than quarters.

The original problem says I have a lot more quarters!

My algebra is WRONG!
I need to switch the variables.

5D = Q

I check: If I assume that I have 20 quarters, then 5D = 20
D = 4

Does this make sense? YES!
I have 20 quarters and only 4 dimes.

Sometimes it helps to make a quick picture.

Imagine 2 piles of coins.

The pile of quarters is 5 times as high as the pile of dimes.

You can clearly see that you would need to multiply the number of dimes
to make that pile the same height as the number of quarters!

-- this is my favorite!!
To translate known relationships to algebra, it often helps to make a T-Chart.

You always put the unknown variable on the LEFT side and what you know on the right.

Fill in the chart with at least 3 lines of numbers and look for the relationship between the 2 columns.
Ask yourself what do you do to the left side to get to the right?

Then, you use that mathematical relationship with a variable.

EXAMPLE: The number of hours in d days

Your unknown is d days so that goes on the left side:

d days l number of hours

1 ------l------24

2 ------l------48

3 ------l------72

Now look at the relationship between the left column and the right column. What do I do to 1 to get 24? What do I do to 2 to get 48? What do I do to 3 to get 72? For each 
You must MULTIPLY the left column BY 24 to get to the right column

The last line of the chart will then use your variable d
d days number of hours
d days l number of hours

1 ------l------24

2 ------l------48

3 ------l------72

d ------l-----24d

EXAMPLE: The number of days in h hours (The flip of the first example)
Your unknown is h hours so that goes on the left side:
h hours l number of days

24------l------- 1

48------l------- 2

72 ------l-------3
(Why did I start with 24 and not 1 hour this time?)
 Now look at the relationship between the left column and the right column. or ask yourself "What do I do to 24 to get 1? What do I do to 48 to get 2? What do I do to 72 to get 3?" 
You must DIVIDE the left column BY 24 to get to the right column

The last line of the chart will then use your variable h
h hours number of days

h hours l number of days

24------l------- 1

48------l------- 2

72 ------l-------3
h -------l-------h/24

Some interesting translations used all the time in Algebra:

The next consecutive number after n: n + 1

Does it work? Try it with any number: if you have 5, then 5 + 1 will give you 6

The next EVEN consecutive number after n: n + 2

Does it work? Try it with any EVEN number: if you have 12, then 12 + 2 will give you 14

The next ODD consecutive number after n: n + 2

Does it work? Try it with any number: if you have 9, then 9 + 2 will give you 11

Math 6H ( Periods 3, 6, & 7)

Check out this great Video about the Powers of Ten