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Friday, January 16, 2015

Algebra ( Period 5)

Graphing Systems of Linear Equations 6-1

If 2 lines are graphed on the same coordinate plane, one of three things will happen

1.They will intersect exactly once—we say they are CONSISTENT and INDEPENDENT

2.They will NEVER intersect; they are parallel or have the same slope (m) but different y intercepts (b)—we say they are INCONSISTENT

3. They will intersect infinitely, everywhere; they are collinear or the same line. They have the SAME slope AND the SAME y intercept—
we say they are  CONSISTENT and DEPENDENT

We graphed lines and found the intersection point graphing by hand! (… and tried it on the graphing calculators)
The intersection coordinate is called the ‘SOLUTION OF THE SYSTEM’

You can check your coordinates by plugging them into both equations and make sure they work—or using the TABLE function on the calculator and see that for the same x, they both have the same y value