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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Algebra Honors (Period 6 & 7)

Solving Problems with Two Variables 9-3

Although the textbook uses charts and tables for these word problems, I think they work easily without the charts...

John has 15 coins -- all dimes and quarters , worth $2.55 How many dimes and quarters does he have?
let d = the number of dimes and let q = the number of quarters
we know d + q = 15 and we know 10d + 25q = 255
using a system of equations and the substitution method
since d + q = 15 we know d = 15- q
10d + 25q - 255
10(15-q) + 25 q = 255
150 -10q + 25q = 255
150 + 15q = 255
15q = 105
q = 7
He has 7 quarters and 8 dimes

Ann and Betty together have $ 60. Ann has $9 more than twice Betty's amount. How much money does each have?
Let a = the amount Ann has and let b = the amount Betty has.
we know
a + b = 60
and we know
a= 2b + 9
so using a + b = 60
(2b+9) + b = 60
3b = 51
b = 17
Betty has $17 and Ann has (60-17) = $43

Joan Wu invested $8000 in stocks and bonds. the stocks pay 4% interest and the onds pay 7% interest . The annual interest from the stocks and bonds is $500.
How much is invested in bonds?
let s = the amount invested in stocks
let b = amount invested in bonds
s + b = 8000
0.04s + 0.07b = 500
clear the decimals
4s + 7b = 50000
but we know s + b = 8000 or s = 8000 -b
4(8000 -b) + 7b = 50000
32000 - 4b + 7b = 50000
3b = 18000
b = 6000
She invested $6000 in bonds.

Math 6 Honors ( Periods 1, 2, & 3)

Computing with Percents 9-3
The statement 20% of 300 is 60 can be translated into the following equations
20/100(300) = 60 or 0.20 •300 = 60

Notice the following relationship between the words and the symbols
20% of 300 is 60
0.20 • 300 = 60


A similar relationship occurs whenever a statement or a question involves a number that is a percent of another number

What is 8% of 75?
Let n represent the number asked for
What number is 8% of 75?
n = 0.08 • 75

What percent of 40 is 6?
let n represent the percent asked for.

What percent of 40 is 6?
n% • 40 = 6
n% • 40 = 6
n% (40)/40 = 6/40
n% = 6/40
n/100 = 6/40
(100) n/100 = (100) 6/40
n=15 so 15% of 40 is 6

140 is 35 % of what number?
let n represent the number asked for
140 is 35% of what number?
140 = 0.35 • n
140 = 0.35n
140/0.35 = 0.35n/0.35 divide carefully!! Watch those decimals!!
400 = n
so 140 is 35% of 400

Always check to see if your answer is logical.


In these types of percent problems you are always know three parts of the following proportion

n/1oo = a/b
or better yet
n/100 = is/ of

The n represents the %

Read the problems carefully and you can easily determine which is the "is" and which represents the 'of"
For example:
What percent of 40 is 6?
What percent -- from the problem above indicates that we DO NOT know the n
of 40-- hmm... then 40 must be the 'of' and
similarly is 6 means that 6 represents the 'is'

n/100 = 6/40 solve as a proportion
and you get n= 15 but since it asked us to state the 5 your answer is 15%

140 is 35 % of what number?
In this problem I notice 35% right away so that is the n!!
Then I read the problem again and notice 140 is... hmmm.. THat says 140 must be the is

35/100 = 140/ x I do not know the 'of'

Solve again
x = 400

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Algebra Honors (Period 6 & 7)

Solving Systems of Linear Equations
The Graphing Method 9-1
Two or more equations in the same variables form a system of equations. The solution of a system of two equations in two variables is a pair of values x and y that satisfies each equation in the system. The point corresponding to the ordered pair (x, y) must lie on the graph of both equations.
Solve the system by graphing
2x - y = 8
x + y = 1

Graph both 2x - 7 = 8 and x + y = 1 in the same coordinate plane.
We did this in class by transforming both equations to slope-intercept form (y = mx +b)
and then graphed them. We noticed that the only point on BOTH lines is the intersection point ( 3, -2)
The only solution of both equations is (3, -2).
You can check that ( 3, -2) is a solution fof the system by substituting x = 3 and y = -2 in BOTH eqquations.

Solve the system by graphing
x - 2y = -6
x -2y = 2

When you graph the equations in the same coordinate plane, you see that the lines have the same slope but different y-intercepts. The graphs are parallel lines. SInce the lines do not intersect, there is no point that represents a solution of both equations.
Therefore, the system has NO SOLUTION.

Solve the system by graphing
2x + 3y = 6
4x + 6y = 12

When you graph the equations in the same coordinate plane, you see that the graphs coincide. The equations are equivalent. Every point on the line represents a solution of BOTH equations.
Therefore, the system has infinitely many solutions.

The Graphing Method in review:
To solve a system of linear equations in two variables, draw the graph of each linear equation in the same coordinate plane...
--> if the lines interset there is only one solutions, namely the intersection point.
--> if the lines are parallel, there is no solution
--> if the lines coincide, there are infinitely many solutions.

The Substitution Method 9-2

There are several ways to solve a system of equations, In the substitution method we use either equation to solve for one variable in terms of the other.
x + y = 15
4x + 3y = 38

Solve the first equation for y
x + y = 15
y = -x + 15
Substitute this expression for y in the other equation, and solve for x
4x + 3y = 38
4x + 3(-x+15) = 38
4x -3x + 45 = 38
x + 45 = 38
x = -7

Substitute the value of x in the equation in your first step and solve for y
y = -x + 15
y = -(-7) + 15
y = +7 +15
y = 22
CHeck x = -7 and y = 22 on BOTH equations
x + y = 15
(Here let ?=? represent having a ? above the equals sign)

-7 + 22 ?=? 15
15 = 15
4x + 3y = 38
4(-7) + 3(22) ?=? 38
-28 + 66 ?=? 38
38 = 38

It checks for both equations so the solution is (-7, 22)

2x - 3y = 4
x + 4y = -9

Using the 2nd equation is easier to manipulate so solve for x since x has a coefficient of 1
x = -4y - 9
substitute this expression for x in the other equation and solve for y
2x - 3y = 4
2(-4y-9) - 3y = 4
-8y -18 -3y = 4
-11y = 22
y = -2
Substitute the value of y in the equation in step 1 and solve for x
x = -4y -9
x = -4(-2) -9
x = 8 -9 = -1
Check both equations... and you discover that the solution is ( -1, -2)

The substitution method is most convenient to use when the coefficient of one of the variables is 1 or -1.

The Substitution Method in review:
To solve a system of linear equations in two variables:
--> Solve one equation for one of the variables
--> Substitute this expression in the other equation and solve fore the other variable.
--> Substitute this value n the equation in step 1 and solve
--> Check the alues in BOTH equations.

Solve by the substitution method
2x -8y = 6
x - 4y = 8

x = 4y + 8

2x-8y = 6
2(4y+8) - 8y = 6
8y + 16 -8y = 6
16= 6 WAIT that's FALSE

The false statement indicates that there is NO ordered pair (x, y) that satisfies BOTH equations. If you had graphed the equations you would see that these lines are actually parallel.

Solve by substitution method
y/2 = 2 -x
6x + 3y = 12

The first equation is easy to change to y = 4 - 2x by multiplying both sides by 2 to solve for y

6x + 3y = 12
6x + 3(4-2x) = 12
6x + 12 - 6x = 12
12 = 12 WAIT THat's TRUE... always
Every ordered pair (x, y) that satisfies one of the equations aso satisfies the other. IF you graph these two equations you will see that the lines coincide

Therefore, the system has infinitely many solutions.

Math 6 Honors ( Periods 1, 2, & 3)

Percent and Fractions 9-1

The word “percent” is derived from the Latin “per centum” meaning “per hundred” or “out of one hundred” so 28% means 28 out of 100

A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100. Therefore you can write a percent as a fraction with a denominator of 100, so 28% is also 28/100

Our book’s example is as follows;
During basketball season, Alice made 17 out of 25 free throws, while Nina made 7 out of 10. To see who did better, we compare the fractions representing each girl’s successful free throws. 17/25 or 7/10
We have calculated this type of problem before.. this time when we compare fractions use the common denominator 100, even if 100 is not the LCD of the fractions.
17/25 = 68/100 and
7/10 = 70/100

Since Alice makes 68 free throws per 100 and Nina makes 70 per hundred, Nina is the better free throw shooter.
the ratio of a number to 100 is called a percent. We write percents by using the symbol %
17/25 =68% and
7/10= 70%

To express the fraction a/b
as a percent, solve the equation

a/b = n/100

for the variable n and write n%

Express 17/40 as a percent
n/100 = 17/40 multiply both sides by 100 100 ( n/100) = 17(100)/40
n = 17(100)/40 n = 85/2 n= 42½

Therefore, 17/40 = 42 1/2 %

To express n% as a fraction, write the fraction

n/100 in lowest terms

Express 7 ½ % as a fraction in lowest terms

7 ½ % = 7.5% = 7.5/100 How do we get rid of the decimal?
multiply the numerator and the denominator by 10
7.5(10)/100(10) simplify
Similarly, you could change a mixed numebr into an improper fraction
5 3/8% becomes 43/8 % and to change that to a fraction simple divide by 100
That looks messy but if you remember that to divide by 100 you are actually multiplying by 1/100
(43/8) (1/100) = 43/800 and you are finished with your calculations!! EASY!!

Since a percent is the ratio of a number to 100, we can have percents that are greater than or equal to 100%

1 = 100/100 = 100%

165/100 = 165 %

Write 250% as a mixed number in simple form

250% = 250/100

250/100 = 2 50/100 = 2 1/2

The town of Wonderful spends 42% of its budget on education. What percent is used for other purposes?
the whole budget is represented by 100%. Therefore, the part used for other purposes is

100 - 42 or 58%

Percents and Decimals 9-2

By looking at the following examples, you will be able to see a general relationship between decimals and percents

57% = 57/100
0.79 = 79/100 = 79%
113% = 113/100 = 1 13/100
0.06 = 6/100 = 6%


To express a percent as a decimal, move the decimal point two places to the left and remove the percent sign

57% = 0.57
113% = 1.13

To express a decimal as a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent sign

0.79 = 79%
0.06 = 6%

In 9-1 you learned one method of changing a fraction into a percent. Here is an alternative method

To express a fraction as a percent, first express the fraction as a decimal
and then as a percent

Express 7/8 as a percent

Divide 7 by 8
7/8 = 0.875 = 87.5%

Express 1/3 as a percent
divide 1 by 3
0.33333….. it’s a repeating decimal
express the decimal as a percent 0.333… = 33 1/3%
so, to the nearest tenth of a percent = 33.3% but it is much more accurate to keep the 1/3 and write 33 1/3%