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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Algebra Period 5)

Chapter 4-4 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Parallel Lines:
2 lines that are parallel to each other have the SAME SLOPE
y = 2x – 10
y = 2x + 4
Are parallel because they both have a slope of 2
to be parallel they must have the
If they have the same m and the same b then they are COLLINEAR ( or they COINCIDE) they are the same line and NOT parallel

Perpendicular Lines
2 lines that are perpendicular to each other have SLOPES that are:
Opposite signs
y = 2x – 10 is perpendicular to y = (-1/2)x + 4
This is another twist to our Mystery Line Puzzles…
If you know that the mystery line is parallel  or perpendicular to another given line they you know the mystery line’s slope!!

 Your mystery line has a point of (2, -5) and is PARALLEL to the line y = 2x + 4
So you know that the mystery line’s slope
because it is the same as the given line  (m = 2)
Substitute the slope and the point given for the mystery line and solve for b OR use Point Slope Form and solve easily!
This is why I like Point Slope: y + 5 = 2(x – 2)
y + 5 = 2x – 4
y = 2x – 9

If I used Slope Intercept form or y = mx + b
-5 = 2(2) + b
-5 = 4 + b
b = -9
Plug everything back in
y = 2x – 9
Same results—but I think that it takes longer (students also tend to FORGET to put everything together)

Your mystery line has a point of (2, -5) and is perpendicular to the line y = 2x + 4
So you know that the mystery line’s slope is the opposite sign and the reciprocal of the given line
(since the given line’s slope is 2, the mystery line’s slope must be –½ )
Substitute the slope and the point given on the mystery line and solve for b OR use Point Slope Form and solve easily!  
y + 5 = (-½)(x -2)
y + 5 =  -½x + 1
y =  -½x - 4

If I used Slope Intercept form or y = mx + b
-5 = (-½)(2) + b
-5 = -1 + b
-4 = b
Plug everything back

 y = -½x - 4 

Algebra Honors (Period 4)

Chapter 4-4 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Parallel Lines:
2 lines that are parallel to each other have the SAME SLOPE
y = 2x – 10
y = 2x + 4
Those two lines are  parallel because they both have a slope of 2

To be parallel they must have the
If they have the same m and the same b then they are COLLINEAR
(or they COINCIDE) they are the same line and NOT parallel

Perpendicular Lines
2 lines that are perpendicular to each other have SLOPES that are:
Opposite signs


y = 2x – 10 is perpendicular to y = (-1/2)x + 4

This is another twist to our Mystery Line Puzzles…
If you know that the mystery line is parallel  or perpendicular to another given line they you know the mystery line’s slope!!

Your mystery line has a point of ( 2, -5) and is PARALLEL to the line y = 2x + 4
So you know that the mystery line’s slope
because it is the same as the given line  (m = 2)
Substitute the slope and the point given for the mystery line and solve for b
OR use Point Slope Form and solve easily!
This is why I like Point Slope: y + 5 = 2(x – 2)
y + 5 = 2x – 4
y = 2x – 9

If I used Slope Intercept form or y = mx + b
-5 = 2(2) + b
-5 = 4 + b
b = -9
Plug everything back in
y = 2x – 9
Same results—but I think that it takes longer ( students also tend to FORGET to put everything together)

Your mystery line has a point of ( 2, -5) and is perpendicular to the line y = 2x + 4
So you know that the mystery line’s slope is the opposite sign and the reciprocal of the given line
(since the given line’s slope is 2, the mystery line’s slope must be –½ )

Substitute the slope and the point given on the mystery line and solve for b OR use Point Slope Form and solve easily!  
y + 5 = (-½)(x -2)
y + 5 =  -½x + 1
y =  -½x - 4

If I used Slope Intercept form or y = mx + b
-5 = (-½)(2) + b
-5 = -1 + b
-4 = b
Plug everything back
 y = -½x - 4

Monday, December 8, 2014

Algebra (Period 5)

Chapter 4-3 Point Slope Form

There is another way to solve for a line other than using slope-intercept form  Although most people use the slope- intercept form for all cases, the POINT-SLOPE Form  is actually easier—everything is built into the format!  You do not need to “put it altogether” at the end!

It gives you exactly a point and the slope—just by looking at it!
You do not need to do anything BUT graph!!

Point- Slope Form of a line:
y-y1 = m ( x- x1)

Example: ( 3, 1) is a point on the line and m = 2
y – 1 = 2( x – 3)

What you have now is point-slope form of the line!
You can graph easily starting at (3, 1) and going up 2 and to the right 1
You can also simplify this and get the slope- intercept form of the line:
y - 1 = 2x – 6
y = 2x – 5

If you are trying to link the Slope-Intercept form to the Point-Slope form of the line:  The point slope version eliminates one step from using the slope intercept form

In the slope intercept form, you plug in the point and the slope and solve for b—
AND THEN rewrite the equation using the intercept that you found.
In point slope form, once you plug in the point and slope, you just simplify and the equation is already done!

IF you don’t have the slope, you will need to compute it with the formula—just like you did with Slope Intercept FORM

The biggest difference is that any point is plugged into this form, while  the Slope- Intercept Form focuses on the ONE specific point on the y axis 

Algebra Honors (Period 4)

Chapter 4-3 Point Slope Form

There is another way to solve for a line other than using slope-intercept form  Although most people use the slope- intercept form for all cases, the POINT-SLOPE Form  is actually easier—everything is built into the format!  You do not need to “put it altogether” at the end!

It gives you exactly a point and the slope—just by looking at it!
You do not need to do anything BUT graph!!

Point- Slope Form of a line:
y-y1 = m ( x- x1)

Example: ( 3, 1) is a point on the line and m = 2
y – 1 = 2( x – 3)

What you have now is point-slope form of the line!
You can graph easily starting at (3, 1) and going up 2 and to the right 1
You can also simplify this and get the slope- intercept form of the line:
y - 1 = 2x – 6
y = 2x – 5

If you are trying to link the Slope-Intercept form to the Point-Slope form of the line:  The point slope version eliminates one step from using the slope intercept form
In the slope intercept form, you plug in the point and the slope and solve for b—
AND THEN rewrite the equation using the intercept that you found.
In point slope form, once you plug in the point and slope, you just simplify and the equation is already done!

IF you don’t have the slope, you will need to compute it with the formula—just like you did with Slope Intercept FORM

The biggest difference is that any point is plugged into this form, while  the Slope- Intercept Form focuses on the ONE specific point on the y axis 

Algebra (Period 5)

Chapter 4-2 Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form

We usually use the slope- intercept form of the line as our  ”template”
We know that y = mx + b so we can substitute that in what we know (what the problem gives us as information) and solve for whatever we are missing

It helps to memorize this little rhyme (Mrs Sobieraj made it up!)
Oh mystery line,
What could you be?
If I could just find you,
 y = mx + b
First I’ll find m,
Then I’ll find b
Then I’ll put it all together
And I will see: 
y = mx + b

The rhyme has 3 steps and usually you will have 3 steps or questions to ask yourself:
1) Do I have the slope (m)? If not find it by using the slope formula or counting it if you have the graph—(carefully pick two sets of integer points)
2) Do I have the y- intercept (b) ? If not, find it by plugging in a point and the slope and solving for b or if you have the graph, just read it on the y axis.
3) Remember: Put it all together in ONE equation at the end!

There are FIVE general cases of mystery lines

First Case: 
You are given the slope and the y intercept (that is the easiest case) 
For example:  you are given m = 3/2 and b = - 7/5
Just plug in to the generic slope intercept equation
y = (3/2)x – 7/5
Second Case:
You have a graph of a line and need to determine the equation
Look at the graph and find 2 easy points to use to find the slope ( make sure they are integers) If the y intercept is not an integer—then follow the FOURTH CASE (below) completely!
Put the information together in y = mx + b form
Third Case:
You are given a point and the slope and need to find the intercept ( b)
Example: ( 3, 1)is a point on the line and m = 2
Plug in the point and the slope and find b
That is, start with y = mx + b 
You have a point ( 3, 1) plug it in to that equation:
1 = (2)(3) + b
1 = 6 + b
-5 = b or
b = -5
Now put it altogether with the given slope of m = 2 and the y intercept ( b) which you just found
y = 2x – 5
Fourth Case:
You are given a point and the y intercept and need to find the slope > Let’s use the point ( 3, 1) again but this time you are given b = 2
Again you can use y = mx + b . This time, however you are solving for m ( the slope)
1 = 3m + 2
-1 = 3m
-1/3 = m
m = -1/3
Again, NOW put it all together with the given intercept and the slope you just found
 y = (-1/3)x + 2
Fifth Case:
You are given 2 points on a line and need to find the slope and the y intercept
Example: ( 1, 3) and ( -2, -3) are 2 points on the line
You first need to find the slope using the formula
m = change in y/ change in x

m = (-3 -3)/(-2-1)  or  (3--3)/(1--2)  which really is (3+3)/(1+2) or
6/3 = 2
Now plug the slope in with one ( you get to pick—it will work with either) of the points and find the intercept, b
3 = 2(1) + b
3 = 2+b
b = 2
Finally put it all together

y = 2x +1

Algebra Honors (Period 4)

Chapter 4-2 Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form

We usually use the slope- intercept form of the line as our  ”template”
We know that y = mx + b so we can substitute that in what we know (what the problem gives us as information) and solve for whatever we are missing

It helps to memorize this little rhyme (Mrs Sobieraj made it up!)
Oh mystery line,
What could you be?
If I could just find you,
 y = mx + b
First I’ll find m,
Then I’ll find b
Then I’ll put it all together
And I will see: 
y = mx + b

The rhyme has 3 steps and usually you will have 3 steps or questions to ask yourself:
1) Do I have the slope (m)? If not find it by using the slope formula or counting it if you have the graph—(carefully pick two sets of integer points)
2) Do I have the y- intercept (b) ? If not, find it by plugging in a point and the slope and solving for b or if you have the graph, just read it on the y axis.
3) Remember: Put it all together in ONE equation at the end!

There are FIVE general cases of mystery lines

First Case: 
You are given the slope and the y intercept (that is the easiest case) 
For example:  you are given m = 3/2 and b = - 7/5
Just plug in to the generic slope intercept equation
y = (3/2)x – 7/5

Second Case:
You have a graph of a line and need to determine the equation
Look at the graph and find 2 easy points to use to find the slope ( make sure they are integers) If the y intercept is not an integer—then follow the FOURTH CASE (below) completely!
Put the information together in y = mx + b form

Third Case:
You are given a point and the slope and need to find the intercept ( b)
Example: ( 3, 1)is a point on the line and m = 2
Plug in the point and the slope and find b
That is, start with y = mx + b 
You have a point ( 3, 1) plug it in to that equation:
1 = (2)(3) + b
1 = 6 + b
-5 = b or
b = -5
Now put it altogether with the given slope of m = 2 and the y intercept ( b) which you just found
y = 2x – 5

Fourth Case:
You are given a point and the y intercept and need to find the slope > Let’s use the point ( 3, 1) again but this time you are given b = 2
Again you can use y = mx + b . This time, however you are solving for m ( the slope)
1 = 3m + 2
-1 = 3m
-1/3 = m
m = -1/3
Again, NOW put it all together with the given intercept and the slope you just found
 y = (-1/3)x + 2

Fifth Case:
You are given 2 points on a line and need to find the slope and the y intercept
Example: ( 1, 3) and ( -2, -3) are 2 points on the line
You first need to find the slope using the formula
m = change in y/ change in x

m = (-3 -3)/(-2-1)  or  (3--3)/(1--2)  which really is (3+3)/(1+2) or
6/3 = 2
Now plug the slope in with one ( you get to pick—it will work with either) of the points and find the intercept, b
3 = 2(1) + b
3 = 2+b
b = 2
Finally put it all together

y = 2x +1

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Algebra ( Period 5)

Chapter 4-1 Graphing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form

The most used form of a linear equation: Slope Intercept form
You must restate the equation to get it into the following format:
y = mx + b
where        m= slope     and            b = y-intercept ( where the line crosses the y axis)

The m and b are called the
 PARAMETERS of the equation.
Solve the equation for “y” means isolate the y on one side of the equal signs

Example:  -3y = -2x  - 6
If you tried graphing randomly, (setting up a small table or t chart) you would problem select the x points of 0, 1, 2.  Only when x = 0 will give you an integer value for y. All the other y values are fractions/ decimals Ã  which makes it difficult to graph accurately!
The slope- intercept form provides the explanation for this.
 Divide BOTH sides by -3:
y = (2/3)(x) + 2

Look at the coefficient for x?
What  x values will give you integer answers for y?
They need to be multiples of 3.

Now look at the graph of  y = (2/3)(x) + 2  
Notice that the +2 at the end is the y-intercept (without doing any work!) YAY!!!
Use the counting method for slope on your graph, you should have counted:
UP  2 and RIGHT 3. The slope therefore is 2/3
Look at the equation—it told you the slope was 2/3 without any work (YAY!!)

Graphing when the line is in Slope- Intercept Form
So if you have the slope- intercept form of the equation it is really easy to graph the line:
1) Graph the intercept on the y axis (That is the positive or negative constant at the end of your equation. Your HOME BASE)
2) Count the next point by using the slope of x coefficient as a fraction (so if you have an integer—place it “over” 1)

For the equation y = (2/3)(x) + 2
1) graph  a point at (0,2)
2) From (0,2) count up 2 and over to the right 3 to find the next coordinate ( 3, 4)

Remember slope is “ y over x” or “Rise over Run”
The numerator is the change in y  and the denominator is the change in x.

If it is positive you are counting up (positive) and to the right (positive) OR
you can count down (negative) and to the left (negative) because when multiplying 2 negatives become positive

If it is negative you are counting down (negative) and to the right (positive) OR
you can count up (positive) and to the left (negative) because then you would have a positive ∙ negative = negative

Example: m = -2/3 and b = -12
The line would be y = (-2/3)x - 12

Restate Standard Form to Slope- Intercept Form
Another example: 3x + 4y = 10 is the STANDARD FORM of a line 
(Notice; x and y are on the same side of the equal sign, x is positive, there are NO fractions, and the constant is alone)
This equation is NOT easy to graph in this form because your y intercept will not be an integer ( In fact it will not be that easy to graph in slope intercept either—but we will get to that later)

Restate into slope intercept
Solve for y
First subtract 3x from both sides:
4y = -3x + 10
Now divide both sides by 4:
y = (-3/4)x + 10/4   or
y = (-3/4)x + 5/2

The slope is the coefficient of the x so
m = -3/4 (so you are sliding down at a little less than a 45 degree angle. Remember a slope of 1 or -1 is  45 degrees)

The y intercept is the constant b = 5/2 ( so the line crosses the y axis at 2½)
Notice that the ‘b’ is a fraction.
When this happens the slope- intercept form MAY NOT be the best form to graph the line. You MUST start at 2½ on the y axis and count down 3 and to the right 4. That is actually HARD to get accurate!

Neither 3 nor 4 is a factor of the constant 10 ( 3x + 4y = 10) so the intercepts will also be fractions.
We need the x term to end up with ½ so that when we add that to the b (which is 5/2) we will get an integer.
So try letting x be 2 because that will cross cancel with the -3/4 slope
y = (-3/4)(2) + 5/2 =  -3/2 + 5/2 = 1
so we just found a coordinate that has just integers ( 2, 1)
Graph that point. Now count the slope from THAT POINT ( instead of the y intercept)

You can think of these lines in Slope- Intercept form as y = mx + b IF your REMEMBER that the slope of a horizontal line = 0 
àthe equation is y = (0)x + b
We have already learned that the equation of any horizontal line is y = a constant
Except for the horizontal line y = 0 ( which is the x axis) horizontal lines have no x intercept and therefore no intercepts ( no roots, no solutions, no zeros)

Finding the equation of a line by looking at its graph is easy if you can read the y intercept!
Simply plug in the y intercept as  b and then count the rise over run as the slope!

Algebra Honors ( Period 4)

Chapter 4-1 Graphing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form

The most used form of a linear equation: Slope Intercept form
You must restate the equation to get it into the following format:
y = mx + b
where        m= slope     and            b = y-intercept ( where the line crosses the y axis)

The m and b are called the
PARAMETERS of the equation.
Solve the equation for “y” means isolate the y on one side of the equal signs

Example:  -3y = -2x  - 6
If you tried graphing randomly, (setting up a small table or t chart) you would problem select the x points of 0, 1, 2.  Only when x = 0 will give you an integer value for y. All the other y values are fractions/ decimals Ã  which makes it difficult to graph accurately!
The slope- intercept form provides the explanation for this.
 Divide BOTH sides by -3:
y = (2/3)(x) + 2

Look at the coefficient for x?
What  x values will give you integer answers for y?
They need to be multiples of 3.

Now look at the graph of  y = (2/3)(x) + 2  
Notice that the +2 at the end is the y-intercept (without doing any work!) YAY!!!
Use the counting method for slope on your graph, you should have counted:
UP  2 and RIGHT 3. The slope therefore is 2/3
Look at the equation—it told you the slope was 2/3 without any work (YAY!!)

Graphing when the line is in Slope- Intercept Form
So if you have the slope- intercept form of the equation it is really easy to graph the line:
1) Graph the intercept on the y axis (That is the positive or negative constant at the end of your equation. Your HOME BASE)
2) Count the next point by using the slope of x coefficient as a fraction (so if you have an integer—place it “over” 1)

For the equation y = (2/3)(x) + 2
1) graph  a point at (0,2)
2) From (0,2) count up 2 and over to the right 3 to find the next coordinate ( 3, 4)

Remember slope is “ y over x” or “Rise over Run”
The numerator is the change in y  and the denominator is the change in x.

If it is positive you are counting up (positive) and to the right (positive) OR
you can count down (negative) and to the left (negative) because when multiplying 2 negatives become positive

If it is negative you are counting down (negative) and to the right (positive) OR
you can count up (positive) and to the left (negative) because then you would have a positive ∙ negative = negative

Example: m = -2/3 and b = -12
The line would be y = (-2/3)x - 12

Restate Standard Form to Slope- Intercept Form
Another example: 3x + 4y = 10 is the STANDARD FORM of a line 
(Notice; x and y are on the same side of the equal sign, x is positive, there are NO fractions, and the constant is alone)
This equation is NOT easy to graph in this form because your y intercept will not be an integer ( In fact it will not be that easy to graph in slope intercept either—but we will get to that later)

Restate into slope intercept
Solve for y
First subtract 3x from both sides:
4y = -3x + 10
Now divide both sides by 4:
y = (-3/4)x + 10/4   or
y = (-3/4)x + 5/2

The slope is the coefficient of the x so
m = -3/4 (so you are sliding down at a little less than a 45 degree angle. Remember a slope of 1 or -1 is  45 degrees)

The y intercept is the constant b = 5/2 ( so the line crosses the y axis at 2½)
Notice that the ‘b’ is a fraction.
When this happens the slope- intercept form MAY NOT be the best form to graph the line. You MUST start at 2½ on the y axis and count down 3 and to the right 4. That is actually HARD to get accurate!

Neither 3 nor 4 is a factor of the constant 10 ( 3x + 4y = 10) so the intercepts will also be fractions.
We need the x term to end up with ½ so that when we add that to the b (which is 5/2) we will get an integer.
So try letting x be 2 because that will cross cancel with the -3/4 slope
y = (-3/4)(2) + 5/2 =  -3/2 + 5/2 = 1
so we just found a coordinate that has just integers ( 2, 1)
Graph that point. Now count the slope from THAT POINT ( instead of the y intercept)

You can think of these lines in Slope- Intercept form as y = mx + b IF your REMEMBER that the slope of a horizontal line = 0
àthe equation is y = (0)x + b
We have already learned that the equation of any horizontal line is y = a constant
Except for the horizontal line y = 0 ( which is the x axis) horizontal lines have no x intercept and therefore no intercepts ( no roots, no solutions, no zeros)

Finding the equation of a line by looking at its graph is easy if you can read the y intercept!
Simply plug in the y intercept as  b and then count the rise over run as the slope!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Algebra ( Period 5)

Chapter 3-6 Proportional and Nonproportional Relationships
This is just real world review of concepts we’ve already covered… comparing and contrasting the two types of linear relationships
SAME: both are linear—meaning they graph as lines
both are diagonal
both have a constant rate of change or slope that can be found by finding the rise/run or the difference of the y’s over the difference of the x’s
proportional relationships go through the origin (0,0) and nonproportional do NOT
Nonproportional have a y-intercept other than 0
Proportional relationships: YOU can take any point and divide the y/x and it will equal the same value as diving any other y/x. This value  is the slope—which is the constant rate of change  VS Nonproportional relationships when you divide the y/x of a point it will NOT equal the y/x of another point. This value is NOT the slope and is NOT the CONSTANT RATE OF CHANGE

TO find the equation for anonproportional relationship
This isn’t as easy as f(x) = kx because it does not go through (0,0)
You will need to find the y intercept (0,y)
Say you find the rate of change or slope is 3 for the following 2 points
(2, 12) and (4, 18)
You can graph these two points and count the slope down to the y intercept
You can find a missing number that will make the equation work
y = 3x + ?  will make ( 2, 12) work in the equation
Plug in( 2, 12) to find b
12 = 3(2) + b
12 = 6 +b
 b = 6
You can try it with other points as well…
 It still works b = 6
So the non-proportional equation is y = 3x + 6

6 is the y intercept on the graph

Math 8 ( Period 1)

Chapter 3-5 Graphing Using Intercepts

Another way to graph a line is to find the two intercepts where the line crosses the x-axis and the y-axis and connect them.
If you have an equation, you can find both by setting the opposite variable to 0

To find the x intercept set y = 0 and you will find a coordinate in the form of ( #, 0)
This will be on the x axis because y is 0

To find the y intercept, Set x = 0 and you will find a coordinate in the form of ( 0, #)
This will be on the y axis because x is 0.

You know that Slope- Intecept isolates the y on one side of the equation
Another form of a linear equation is Standard Form

Ax + By= C

A, B< and C are integers—meaning there are NO DECIMALS or FRACTIONS in the equation.

The x and y terms are on the same side and the other side is a CONSTANT
The x term is always positive so A ≥ 0

You can restate Slope Intercept to Standard Form by using equation balancing.
Restate y = 2/3(x) – 10 to Standard Form
Clear the fractions by multiplying each term by 3
3y = 2x – 30
move 2x to the other side—so we need to subtract 2x from both sides
3y – 2x = -10 
-2x +3y = -10
Multiply each term by -1 so that the x term is POSITIVE
2x – 3y = 10

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Algebra ( period 5)

Chapter 3 -5 Arithmetic Sequences as Linear Functions

An arithmetic sequence is an ordered list of numbers ( called terms) where there is a common difference ( d) between consecutive terms. the common difference can either be positive ( increasing)  or negative ( decreasing)

Because an arithmetic sequence has a constant difference, it is a linear function. There is a formula using this common difference to find the equation of any arithmetic sequence:
an = a+ ( n-1)d

Notice that it is saying that any term in the sequence, an,  can be found by adding 1 less than the number of terms of the common difference to the first term, a1.   Why 1 less than the number of the terms you want?
Take the following arithmetic sequence:
…17, 21, 25,29, 33….
If it’s the 2nd term, there is only 1 common difference of 4 between the 2 terms. If it is the 3rd term, there would be 2 common differences of 4 between the 3  terms, etc.
n is always positive because it represents the number of terms and that can’t be negative.
Where  an  represents any term in the sequence and a1 represents the first term in a sequence, n represents the number of the terms in a sequence and d represents the common difference between consecutive terms in a sequence.
This is called an EXPLICIT FORMULA You can explicitly find any term number in the sequence as long as you know the 1st term and the common difference. For example if the the common difference is 4 and the first term is 1 and you are trying to find the 27th term

an = a+ ( n-1)d
a27 = 1 + ( 27-1)4
a27 = 1 + ( 26)4
a27 = 1 + ( 104
a27 = 105

You can also find the next term in the sequence if you know the
This is a Function Rule that tells you what the relationship between consecutive terms is. For example if the common difference is 4 and your last term is 101 the next term is 105—without knowing any of the other preceding terms. The terms in the sequence are shown as a list with 3 periods (called an ellipsis) at the end showing that it continues infinitely.
For example, the arithmetic sequences for the above example was
1, 5,9, 13, …
Graphing the terms of an arithmetic sequence shows that it is a linear function
an = 1 + ( n-1)4
an = 1 + ( n-1)4
an = 1 + 4n -4
an = 4n -3
Now just substitute y for an   and x for n
y = 4x – 3
Notice that d is now the slope and also notice that the domain of the sequence is the natural numbers (the counting numbers) because you can’t have a negative term number!
Graph 3 points using 1, 2, 3 for the first 3 terms
(1, 1) ( 2,5) (3, 9)

Algebra Honors ( Period 4)

Chapter 3 -5 Arithmetic Sequences as Linear Functions

An arithmetic sequence is an ordered list of numbers ( called terms) where there is a common difference ( d) between consecutive terms. the common difference can either be positive ( increasing)  or negative ( decreasing)

Because an arithmetic sequence has a constant difference, it is a linear function. There is a formula using this common difference to find the equation of any arithmetic sequence:
an = a1 + ( n-1)d

Notice that it is saying that any term in the sequence, an,  can be found by adding 1 less than the number of terms of the common difference to the first term, a1.   Why 1 less than the number of the terms you want?
Take the following arithmetic sequence:
…17, 21, 25,29, 33….
If it’s the 2nd term, there is only 1 common difference of 4 between the 2 terms. If it is the 3rd term, there would be 2 common differences of 4 between the 3  terms, etc.
n is always positive because it represents the number of terms and that can’t be negative.
Where  an  represents any term in the sequence and a1 represents the first term in a sequence, n represents the number of the terms in a sequence and d represents the common difference between consecutive terms in a sequence.
This is called an EXPLICIT FORMULA You can explicitly find any term number in the sequence as long as you know the 1st term and the common difference. For example if the the common difference is 4 and the first term is 1 and you are trying to find the 27th term

an = a1 + ( n-1)d
a27 = 1 + ( 27-1)4
a27 = 1 + ( 26)4
a27 = 1 + ( 104
a27 = 105

You can also find the next term in the sequence if you know the
This is a Function Rule that tells you what the relationship between consecutive terms is. For example if the common difference is 4 and your last term is 101 the next term is 105—without knowing any of the other preceding terms. The terms in the sequence are shown as a list with 3 periods (called an ellipsis) at the end showing that it continues infinitely.
For example, the arithmetic sequences for the above example was
1, 5,9, 13, …
Graphing the terms of an arithmetic sequence shows that it is a linear function
an = 1 + ( n-1)4
an = 1 + ( n-1)4
an = 1 + 4n -4
an = 4n -3
Now just substitute y for an   and x for n
y = 4x – 3
Notice that d is now the slope and also notice that the domain of the sequence is the natural numbers (the counting numbers) because you can’t have a negative term number!
Graph 3 points using 1, 2, 3 for the first 3 terms
(1, 1) ( 2,5) (3, 9)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Algebra ( Period 5)

Chapter 3 Review ( After Thanksgiving)

You know 2 ways to graph:
Intercepts and 3 random points
You can find the x intercepts = solutions = roots = zeros by graphing or algebraically ( setting y = 0 and solving for x)

The slope of a linear equation is also known as the rate of change
On a line, the slop, or rate of change is a constant amount between any two points.  To find the slope ( the rate of change) either count the rise over the run between any two points OR
use the slope formula which find the change in y/ change in x
y2 – y1
x2 – x1

Special Lines reviewed with their Slopes
HORIZONTAL LINES have only a y intercept (unless it’s the line y = 0 and then that is the x axis The equation of a horizontal line is y = b where b is a constant
Notice that there is no x in the equation. y = 4 is a horizontal line parallel to the x axis 4 steps above the x axis. The y value is always 4 What is the x value? ALL real numbers!
The constant rate of change  or SLOPE = 0

VERTICAL LINES (which are NOT functions) have only an x intercept (unless it’s the line x = 0 and then it’s the y axis) The equation of a vertical line is x = a, where a is a constant. Notice that there is no y in the equation. For example x = 4 is a vertical line parallel  to the y axis where the x value is always 4. What is the y value?  All real numbers. The constant rate of change or slope is UNDEFINED!!!
If a graph or equation goes through the origin ( 0,0)  it is proportional and the ratio of any y value to its x value is a constant ( which turns out to the unit rate or constant rate of change or the slope of the line) The x and y intercepts are therefore both 0. When the linear relationship is proportional, we say that it is  DIRECT VARIATION
Now the constant rate of change, the slope, the unit rate, is called the CONSTANTOF VARIATION OR the CONSTANT OF PROPORTIONALITY. (Remember it is just new vocab!) WE also say y varies directly with x. The slope is now represented by the letter k instead of m

Finding the Equation of a Line that is Proportional
Find k( the slope) by counting the rise/ run on the graph
Write the equation using the format y = kx

Notice that you always pick the origin as the point to count rise/run the slope (k) is always just y/x

Determining whether a Table of Values is Direct Variation
If given a table of values you can determine I the relationship is direct variation by dividing 3 y’s by their x values and making sure that you get the same value. If you do, it is proportional—it goes through the origin, and the slope of y/x is the unit rate—now called the constant of variation.

Finding Additional Values for the Direct Variation once you have the Equation
Once you have the equation y = kx you can find infinite additional values ( points) that will work. remember the babysitting example?  we have y = $7.50x or y = 7.5x
If she babysat for 20 hours how much did she earn? x = 20 so y = 7.5(20) y = 150
So she earned $ $150.

Finding the Equation if you know one point and then Finding Additional Values
y varies directly with x. Write an equation for the direct variation. Then find each value. If y = 8 x = 3, find y when x = 45
Solution since it is  direct variation, the slope x = y/x
K = 8/3
Equation is y = (8/3)x
Now find y when x = 45
y = (8/3)(45)
y = 120

 go through the origin (0,0) and nonproportional do NOT
Nonproportional have a y-intercept other than 0
Proportional relationships: YOU can take any point and divide the y/x and it will equal the same value as diving any other y/x. This value  is the slope—which is the constant rate of change  VS Nonproportional relationships when you divide the y/x of a point it will NOT equal the y/x of another point. This value is NOT the slope and is NOT the CONSTANT RATE OF CHANGE

TO find the equation for anonproportional relationship
This isn’t as easy as f(x) = kx because it does not go through (0,0)
You will need to find the y intercept (0,y)
Say you find the rate of change or slope is 3 for the following 2 points
(2, 12) and (4, 18)
You can graph these two points and count the slope down to the y intercept
You can find a missing number that will make the equation work
y = 3x + ?  will make ( 2, 12) work in the equation
Plug in( 2, 12) to find b
12 = 3(2) + b
12 = 6 +b
 b = 6
You can try it with other points as well…
 It still works b = 6
So the non-proportional equation is y = 3x + 6
6 is the y intercept on the graph

Friday, November 21, 2014

Algebra Honors ( Period 4)

Chapter 3-6 Proportional and Nonproportional Relationships
This is just real world review of concepts we’ve already covered… comparing and contrasting the two types of linear relationships
SAME: both are linear—meaning they graph as lines
both are diagonal
both have a constant rate of change or slope that can be found by finding the rise/run or the difference of the y’s over the difference of the x’s
proportional relationships go through the origin (0,0) and nonproportional do NOT
Nonproportional have a y-intercept other than 0
Proportional relationships: YOU can take any point and divide the y/x and it will equal the same value as diving any other y/x. This value  is the slope—which is the constant rate of change  VS Nonproportional relationships when you divide the y/x of a point it will NOT equal the y/x of another point. This value is NOT the slope and is NOT the CONSTANT RATE OF CHANGE

TO find the equation for anonproportional relationship
This isn’t as easy as f(x) = kx because it does not go through (0,0)
You will need to find the y intercept (0,y)
Say you find the rate of change or slope is 3 for the following 2 points
(2, 12) and (4, 18)
You can graph these two points and count the slope down to the y intercept
You can find a missing number that will make the equation work
y = 3x + ?  will make ( 2, 12) work in the equation
Plug in( 2, 12) to find b
12 = 3(2) + b
12 = 6 +b
 b = 6
You can try it with other points as well…
 It still works b = 6
So the non-proportional equation is y = 3x + 6

6 is the y intercept on the graph

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Algebra ( Period 5)

Chapter 3-4 Direct Variation
We’ve learned that the unit rate is the constant rate of change in a linear relationship and that it’s the slope of a line when it’s graphed. We’ve also learned that if a graph of an equation goes through the origin (0,0)  it’s proportional  and the ratio of any y value to it’s x value is a constant (which turns out to be the unit rate or constant rate of change or slope of the line)

When the linear relationship is proportional, we say it’s a DIRECT VARIATION. Now the constant rate of change, the slope, the unit rate, is called the CONSTANT OF VARIATION or the CONSTANT OF PROPORTIONALITY

This is not a new concept. IT IS  just NEW VOCAB!

We also say: y varies directly (constantly) with x.
The slope is now replaced by the letter k instead of m
Finding the equation of a line that is proportional

Find k (the slope) by counting the rise/run of the graph
Write the equation using the format  y = kx
Notice: if you always pick the origin as the point to count rise/run from—the slope (k) is always just y/x
In a word problem, if it says one amount VARIES DIRECTLY with another, you know that the origin is one of the points!!

You also know that the equation is y = kx 
YOU just need to find k
and k is y/x of any point OTHER THAN THE ORIGIN

A babysitting example
The amount of money earned  VARIES DIRECTLY with the time worked.
THINK: the graph and equation go through (0,0)
THINK: Any other point will give you the slope, or constant of proportionality, or unit rate ( all the same thing) SO you only need one additional point.
We are given that she earns $30 for 4 hours. Find the equation.

Rise/Run = y/x
k = 30/4
k = 7.5
So the equation is y = 7.5x
What does the 7.5 represent?
The unit rate of $7.50/ hour of babysitting!

A bicycling example 
The distance the cyclist bikes in miles VARIES DIRECTLY with the time in hours that he bikes.
THINK: The graph and equation go through the origin (0,0).THINK: Any other point will give you the slope, or constant of proportionality, or unit rate (all the same thing) SO you only need one additional point.
He bikes 3 miles in ¼ hour. Find the equation.
Rise/run = y/x
k = 3/¼  or 3/.25 Now the hardest part is doing this 3/.25
If you kept it as 3/¼  you could read this as 3 divided by ¼
THINK: instead of dividing, multiply by the reciprocal of ¼
or 3 (4/1) = 12 (Wait, wasn’t that much easier than dividing 3 by .25!!
k = 12

The equation is y = 12x
What does the 12 represent?
The unit rate of 12 miles/ hour – that’s the cyclist’s speed 12mph
  Determining whether a Table of Values is Direct Variation If you are given a table of values, you can determine if the relationship is direct variation by dividing 3 y’s by their x values and making sure that you get the SAME value. If you do, it is proportional, goes through the origin (0,0) and the slope of y/x is the unit rate ( which is now called the constant of variation)!
Given 3 points (5, 20) , (6, 24), and (7, 28):
Divide each y/x
20/5 = 4
24/6 = 4
28/7 = 4

Since all the ratios simplify to the same value (4), it is a direct variation. The slope of 4 is the unit rate, which is the constant rate of change and is now also called the constant of variation.

Finding Additional Values for the Direct Variation once you have the Equation
Once you have the equation y = kx, you can find infinite additional values (points) that will work.
For example, in the first babysitting example, the equation is y = $7.50x, which we write as y = 7.5x  If she babysits for 20 hours, how much did she earn?
x = 20
so y = 7.5(20) = 150 so She earns $150.
If she earns $750, how many hours did she need to work?
Now y = 750  so  750 = 7.5x 
It is a one-step equation and we get
x = 100 or 100 hours!
 Finding the Equation if you know 1 point and then Finding Additional Values
y varies directly with x. Write an equation for the direct variation. Then find each value
If y = 8 when x = 3, find y when x = 45
FIRST you need to find k
y = kx… In this case we have 8 = k(3) or 8 = 3k
Solve this 1 step equation—leaving it in fraction form!
8/3= k
y = (8/3)x
Now, find y when x = 45
y = (8/3)(45)
y = 120

Applying direct variation to the Distance Formula d = rt
A jet’s distance varies directly as the hours it flies
If it traveled 3420 miles in 6 hours, how long will it take to fly 6500 miles?
k = 3420/6 = 570mph ( its speed)
6500 = 570t
t ≈11.4
about 11.4 hours