Absolute Value 6.4
The absolute value
of a number is the distance between
the number and ZERO on a number line. The absolute value of a number a is
written as │a│.
│-2│ = 2 │2│
= 2
│a│ is read “ the absolute value of a.”
Distance is always
positive OR zero!
When you write the
notation for the absolute value, it means “take the absolute value of the
number inside the symbols! “
When graphing │-5│
first find the value of │-5│, which is 5, then graph it. Make sure to identify the graph with the
given number. In this case, │-5│
So we could
conclude that │-5│> 2.
Write these
numbers in order from least to greatest.
│-12│, -8, -10, │6│,
We would get:
-10, -8, │-4│, │6│, │-12│
Which is greater -50 or 25?
Now, which of
those two has the greater absolute value?
This time its -50 since
│25│= 25 and │-50│=50
The coldest
possible temperature is called absolute zero. It is represented by 0 K on the Kelvin
temperature scale. See Page 273
Tell whether the
statement is always, sometimes, or never true.
The absolute value
of a number is greater than the number. Sometimes- If the number is negative
then its absolute value is greater, but if it is positive or zero then it is
equal to its absolute value.
The absolute value
of a negative number is positive. Always-
The absolute value is the positive distance from zero on a number line.
The absolute value
of a positive number is its opposite. Never-
The absolute value of appositive number is the number itself
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