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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Math 6 High ( Period 3)

Solving Percent Problems 7.4

You can use a proportion to find what percent one number is of another number.
The statement:
“ a is p percent of b” is expressed by the proportion shown below where
a is the  part of the base      b is the base… and    p is the percent

a/b = p/100

Part of the base / base = percent/100

What percent of 40 is 15?
First think which is the base? 40
Which number is the part?  15
Now write the proportion
a/b = p/100
15/40 =  p/100
Use cross products to multiply… simplify first if you can…
15(100) = 40p
Divide both sides by 40
15(100)/40 = 40p/40
37.5 = p
Note: there are a number of ways to simplify first! You should still arrive at p = 37.5 which means 37.5%

Finding a Percent
Your team won 19 of its 25 softball games. What percent did it win?
Games won/games played = percent/100
It really is still      a/b = p/100
19/25 = p/100
19(100) = 25p
Divide both sides by 25
19(100)/25 = 25p/25
76= p
Again there are a variety of ways to simply BEFORE you multiply! You could even utilize the equivalent fraction method to determine the p percent.
Therefore your team won 76% of its games!

You can use the proportion to find a base or a part of the base.
Finding a part of the base
You buy a pair of pants on sale. The price is 80% of the regular price of $24.50, WOW! That’s a bargain! What is this incredible sales price?
Sale price / regular price = Percent/100
a/24.50 = 80/100
Multiply and divide carefully
100a = 24.50(80)
divide both sides by 100
100a/100 = (24.50)(80)/100
a = 19.6
The sale price is $19.60
Now, you could use the writing an equation method
80% of 24.50 = sale price  or
(.80) (24.50) = p
Multiply carefully
19.60 = p
$19.60 is the sale price.

Finding a Base
8 is 32% of what number?
Method 1: Write and solve a proportion
a/b = p/100
8/b = 32/100
Using cross products
(8)(100) = 32b
Divide both sides by 32
(8)(100)/32 = 32b/32
25 = b
Method 2: Write and solve an equation
8 is 32% of what number?
8 = .32(x)
8/.32 = .32x/.32
Divide carefully
25= b
8 is 32% of 25

Solving Percent Problems
a/b = p/100   means a is p percent of b

Out of 80 students taking Algebra, 95% passed the final exam. About 80% of those who passed the exam got a grade better than a C. How many students got an A or a B?
First find out how many passed the final exam
Using the proportion method for this:
a/80 = 95/100
100a = 80(95)
100a/100 = (80)(95)/100
a = 76
76 students passed the final exam
About 80% of 76 got a grade better than a C
Using the writing an equation method
(.80)(76)  =60.8
Since you can’t have a part of a student your answer would be about 61 students got an A or a B in Algebra

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