Percent and Fractions 9-1
The word “percent” is derived from the Latin “per centum” meaning “per hundred” or “out of one hundred” so 28% means 28 out of 100
A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100. Therefore you can write a percent as a fraction with a denominator of 100, so 28% is also 28/100
Our book’s example is as follows;
During basketball season,
17/27 or 7/10 or
In comparing fractions it is often convenient to use the common denominator 100, even if 100 is not the LCD of the fractions.
17. 4 = 68 thithithiett7.10=70
the ratio of a number to 100 is called a percent. We write percents by using the symbol %
17/25=68% and 7/10= 70%
To express the fraction a/b as a percent, solve the equation
n/100 = a/b
for the variable n and write n%
Just set up as a ratio and compare your fraction to 100. You know three out of the four numbers. Express 17/40 as a percent
Use the proportion method or just divide 17 by 40 multiply both sides by 100
n= 42½
Therefore, 17/40 = 42.5%
To express n% as a fraction, write the fraction
n/100 in lowest terms
Express 7 1/2 % as a fraction in lowest terms
7 ½ % = 7.5% = 7.5/100 How do we get rid of the decimal? multiply numerator and denominator by ten
7.5 . 10 = 75 simplify
100 t10 t1000
Since a percent is the ratio of a number to 100, we can have percents that are greater than or equal to 100%
100 = 100%
165 =165%
Write 250% as a mixed number in simple form
250% =
2 50/100 = 2 1/2
Percents and Decimals 9-2
By looking at the following examples, you will be able to see a general relationship between decimals and percents
51% = 47/100 = 0.57 113% = 113/100 = 1.13
0.79 = 79/100 = 79% .06 = 6/100 = 6%
To express a percent as a decimal, move the decimal point two places to the left and remove the percent sign
57% = 0.57 thith 113% = 1.13
To express a decimal as a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent sign
0.79 = 79% thithith0.06 = 6%
Express each percent as a decimal ( remember- the decimal is so sad to see the % leave that it runs away – two places to the left—from where it was)
- 83.5% = 0.835
- 450% = 4.5
- .25% = 0.0025
Express each decimal as a percent [careful] ( remember- the decimal is so happy to see the % that it runs ( 2 place to the right) towards the %)
- 10.5 = 1050.%
- 0.0062 = 0.62%
- 0.574= 57.4%
In 9-1 you learned one method of changing a fraction into a percent. Here is an alternative method
To express a fraction as a percent, first express the fraction as a decimal
and then as a percent
Express 7/8 as a percent
Divide 7 by 8
= 0.875 = 87.5%
Express 1/3 as a percent to the nearest tenth of a percent
divide 1 by 3
since this becomes a repeating decimal
or .3 with a vinculum, we write 1/3 as
33 1/3%
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